Emergency Alerts

ÌÇÐÄlive's emergency notification system (RAVE) is designed to quickly send text messages to mobile phones and email accounts whenever there's a situation that ÌÇÐÄlive students and the campus community need to know about. This is an opt-out system; once you are a student or employee, you are already set up to receive alert messages.
When students sign up, they can choose how they want to be notified if there's an alert such as a weather closure or a dangerous situation on campus. Signing up for text messages is probably a good choice for most users. 


Is there a charge for registering to receive messages?
This is a free service provided by Laramie County Community College. However, students' cell phone providers may charge them for receiving text messages. Students should check their service agreement for details. Service costs from students' cellular providers are their responsibility.
Under what circumstances will a student receive an RAVE Alert?
RAVE Alert messages are used to notify students and employees during emergencies that threaten life, safety or property and/or severely impacts normal campus/college operations. No spam will be sent.
How many messages will students receive?
Those signing up for emergency alerts will probably only receive two to four messages each year based on the number of times campus usually closes each year. However, if there's a more serious type of campus emergency, numerous messages may be sent in a single day to make sure everyone has the latest information. ÌÇÐÄlive also plans to conduct a test message each semester to verify a student's subscription to this service and to ensure the system is working properly.

Will the system work if there is a power failure?
All systems including email and text message systems are subject to failure due to emergencies or disasters. While this is a valuable addition to ÌÇÐÄlive's existing emergency notification systems, the college can't guarantee that it will work in all emergencies.
How does a student unsubscribe?
While we recommend against unsubscribing to these messages, if you choose to do so you need to respond to the text or email message with STOP.

How do students update their information if their contact information has changed?
Log in to myÌÇÐÄlive – under your tab of "Student" or "Faculty & Staff," click the self-service option. Here you can make appropriate changes to your records. These changes may take up to 48 hours to update. If you have questions with these changes, call 307.778.1265 (students) or 307.778.1289 (employees).