Employee Directory

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  Name E-mail Phone Office Job Title Department
Allen, Andie Allen, Andie AAllenFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Asquith, Andrew Asquith, Andrew AAsquithFREELARAMIE 307.432.1693 PF 111C Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Blackmon, Amanda Blackmon, Amanda ABlackmonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Brasile, Andrew Brasile, Andrew ABrasileFREELARAMIE 307.772.4252 ACC 117 Instructor, Mathematics Academic Affairs, Laramie
Braunschweig, Amber Braunschweig, Amber ABraunschweigFREELARAMIE 307.778.1386 SC 113D Program Director, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Buchanan, Abigail Buchanan, Abigail ABuchanan02FREELARAMIE Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Buckles, Ann Buckles, Ann ABucklesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Microbiology Arts And Sciences
Burge, Angela Burge, Angela ABurgeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1333 HS 121 Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Burron, Alice Burron, Alice ABurronFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carey, Aylin Carey, Aylin ACareyFREELARAMIE 307.772.4265 ACC 118 Instructor, Math/Coordinator, UW Dev Math Academic Affairs, Laramie
Connally, Abbie Connally, Abbie AConnallyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1280 AM 108 Director, Contracting & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Corbin, Andy Corbin, Andy ACorbinFREELARAMIE 307.778.1398 EEC 108 Chief Information Officer Integrated Technology Services
Edee, Alycia Edee, Alycia AEdeeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Fermelia, Auri Fermelia, Auri AFermeliaFREELARAMIE 307.778.4355 CR 101D Specialist, HR Recruitment & Hiring Human Resources
Garhart, Ashley Garhart, Ashley AGarhartFREELARAMIE 307.778.1119 CR 107 Coordinator, Student Engagement Student Life
Gunn, Amy Gunn, Amy AGunnFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Hopper, Ami Hopper, Ami AHopperFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Community Education, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Howard, Ann Howard, Ann AHoward1FREELARAMIE 307.432.1686 HS 231 Program Director, Health Information Technology Management Health Sciences And Wellness
Ivanoff, Ariel Ivanoff, Ariel AIvanoffFREELARAMIE 307.778.1282 FA 100 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Foundation Foundation
Johnson, Amber Johnson, Amber AJohnson1FREELARAMIE Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Kassel, Amy Kassel, Amy AKasselFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Mrozinsky, Andrew Mrozinsky, Andrew AMrozinsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Newell, Amanda Newell, Amanda ANewellFREELARAMIE 307.432.1648 AM 107 Specialist, Contracting & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Oberholtzer, Arika Oberholtzer, Arika AOberholFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Ramsey, Amanda Ramsey, Amanda ARamseyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1302 PF 205 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Student Services Student Services
Soden, Alexander Soden, Alexander ASodenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1334 FA 108 Coordinator, Surbrugg-Prentice Auditorium, PT Arts And Sciences
Temte, Alexa Temte, Alexa ATemteFREELARAMIE 307.778.1102 AM 143 Assistant, Executive Administrative III, Administration Presidents Office
Thurin, Ashley Thurin, Ashley AThurinFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Pine Bluffs Outreach And Workforce Dev
Parker Williams, Amy Parker Williams, Amy AWilliamsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Biology, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Ramirez Alvarado, Brenda Ramirez Alvarado, Brenda BAlvaradoFREELARAMIE Staff, Financial Aid PT Financial Aid
Brengman, Brianna Brengman, Brianna BBrengmanFREELARAMIE 80072 Health Sciences And Wellness
Payne Cervera, Brandi Payne Cervera, Brandi BCerveraFREELARAMIE 307.778.1218 PF 204E Director, Financial Aid Financial Aid
Davis, Braeden Davis, Braeden BDavis1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1142 AM 113 Coordinator, Client Experience, The Business Studio Outreach And Workforce Dev
Garton, Bre Garton, Bre BGartonFREELARAMIE 307.432.1610 PF 111B Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Herdt, Ben Herdt, Ben BHerdtFREELARAMIE 307.778.1117 PF 111V Director, Enrollment Services Enrollment Services
Hunnel, Beth Hunnel, Beth BHunnelFREELARAMIE Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Lehan, Ben Lehan, Ben BLehanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1191 AG 109 Instructor, Agriculture & Activity Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Lowry, Brenna Lowry, Brenna BLowryFREELARAMIE Interpreter, Student Accommodations Student Life
Manavi Tehrani, Ben Manavi Tehrani, Ben BManaviFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Pierson, Brady Pierson, Brady BPiersonFREELARAMIE PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Jacobs, Bethany Jacobs, Bethany BSmith1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1316 FA 127 Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Trujillo, Brooke Trujillo, Brooke BTrujilloFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Weibel, Brook Weibel, Brook BWeibelFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
White, Bridgette White, Bridgette BWhiteFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Wilson, Bridget Wilson, Bridget BWilson1FREELARAMIE Staff, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Zerger, Bret Zerger, Bret BZergerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1261 PF 207 Counselor, Counseling & Campus Wellness Student Life
Paintner, Blake Paintner, Blake BpaintnerFREELARAMIE 307.778.4344 PF 111O Manager, Senior Student Success Enrollment Services
Alejos, Carla Alejos, Carla CAlejosFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Allen, Chris Allen, Chris CAllenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1171 CT 124B Coordinator, Concept Forge Outreach And Workforce Dev
Becker, Carl Becker, Carl CBeckerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Bostad, Connie Bostad, Connie CBostadFREELARAMIE Proctor, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Boughton, Carole Boughton, Carole CBoughtoFREELARAMIE 307.778.4399 BT 125 Pathway Coordinator, Business & Accounting Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Brinker, Carman Brinker, Carman CBrinkerFREELARAMIE 307.778.4318 LIB 116 Adjunct Instructor, Ludden Library Library And Learning Commons
Brunner, Celia Brunner, Celia CBrunnerFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 151 Cook, Prep Dining Services
Burggraaf, Caleb Burggraaf, Caleb CBurggraafFREELARAMIE 307.778.1332 PF 220 Manager, Sports Information Athletics And Campus Recreation
Dana, Christy Dana, Christy CDanaFREELARAMIE 307.432.1635 SC 133 Coordinator/Instructor, First Year Clinic, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Dimoff, Chaley Dimoff, Chaley CDimoffFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Favazzo, Cady Favazzo, Cady CFavazzoFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Felton, Chelsea Felton, Chelsea CFeltonFREELARAMIE 307.432.1665 PF 112 Coordinator, GEAR UP Event & College Enrollment Services
Gray, Corinne Gray, Corinne CGrayFREELARAMIE 307.778.4395 SC 121A Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Hair, Chris Hair, Chris CHairFREELARAMIE 307.778.1348 PF 225 Instructor, Geoscience Arts And Sciences
de Diego Jaunasse, Cloe de Diego Jaunasse, Cloe CJaunasseFREELARAMIE Proctor, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Lashley, Christine Lashley, Christine CLashleyFREELARAMIE Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
McAfee, Cris McAfee, Cris CMcAfeeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1335 HS 144 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Meigs, Chelsea Meigs, Chelsea CMeigsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
O'Hara, CR O'Hara, CR COHaraFREELARAMIE 307.778.1195 AG 218 Manager, Ag & Equine Facilities Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Opp, Christopher Opp, Christopher COppFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Owen, Cher Owen, Cher COwenFREELARAMIE 307.778.4370 PF 111R Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Parsons, Christopher Parsons, Christopher CParsons1FREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Rice, Chris Rice, Chris CRiceFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Roberts, Courtney Roberts, Courtney CRobertsFREELARAMIE 307.778.4332 FA 102C Senior Graphic Designer Marketing And Communications
Thompson, Christi Thompson, Christi CThompsonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, History, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
White, Carissa White, Carissa CWhite1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1203 AM 149 Specialist, Student Accounts Receivable Accounting
Adams, Dillan Adams, Dillan DAdams1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Adams, Danielle Adams, Danielle DAdamsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1250 BT 122 Instructor, Accounting/Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Conover, Dustin Conover, Dustin DConoverFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Spanish Arts And Sciences
Cooper, Dallin Cooper, Dallin DCooperFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
DeBoer, Dusty DeBoer, Dusty DDeboerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Dunneback, Devan Dunneback, Devan DDunnebackFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Finnerty, Dean Finnerty, Dean DFinnertFREELARAMIE AG 111 Head Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Gable, Dawn Gable, Dawn DGableFREELARAMIE CCC 151 Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Gillgannon, Daniel Gillgannon, Daniel DGillgannonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Giordano, Darla Giordano, Darla DGiordanoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher, Substitute Children's Discovery Center
Harris, David Harris, David DHarris1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Khasilova, Dilnoza Khasilova, Dilnoza DKhasilovaFREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
McIntosh, Dan McIntosh, Dan DMcIntoshFREELARAMIE 307.432.1631 BT 219 Pathway Coordinator, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Murray, Destiny Murray, Destiny DMurrayFREELARAMIE CCC 151 Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Opp, Danielle Opp, Danielle DOppFREELARAMIE 307.778.1363 HS 224 Program Director, Health Sciences Health Sciences And Wellness
Parker, Darian Parker, Darian DParkerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Rainey, Deana Rainey, Deana DRaineyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Rinaldo, Danielle Rinaldo, Danielle DRinaldoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1305 RAC 117A Head Coach, Women's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Smith, David Smith, David DSmithFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Sofias, Dimitri Sofias, Dimitri DSofiasFREELARAMIE 307.432.1643 RAC 221 Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Arsznov, Eric Arsznov, Eric EArsznovFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Collar, Elizabeth Collar, Elizabeth ECollarFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Connell, Emma Connell, Emma EConnellFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
Farley, Erica Farley, Erica EFarleyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Hawk, Elise Hawk, Elise EHawkFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Holder, Elizabeth Holder, Elizabeth EHolderFREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Kubicz, Ella Kubicz, Ella EKubiczFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Nitschke, Erin Nitschke, Erin ENitschkFREELARAMIE 307.778.1132 SC 105 Program Director, Sciences Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Elmer Robinson, Elmer ERobinsonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Cybersecurity Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Sartain, Elijah Sartain, Elijah ESartainFREELARAMIE Assistant, Vehicle Maintenance PT Plant Operations
Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth ESmithFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Terrill, Erika Terrill, Erika ETerrillFREELARAMIE 307.432.1646 PF 114 Coordinator, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Vallejo, Eliza Vallejo, Eliza EVallejoFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Young, Emily Young, Emily EYoungFREELARAMIE 307.772.4260 Coach, Student Success Student Services, Laramie
Cook, Frank Cook, Frank FCookFREELARAMIE 307.778.1306 FA 128 Instructor, Instrumental Music Arts And Sciences
Gutierrez, Florenda Gutierrez, Florenda FGutierrezFREELARAMIE 307.778.1318 CCC 151 Manager, Catering Dining Services
Perez, Fernando Perez, Fernando FPerezFREELARAMIE 307.778.4377 RAC 217 Head Coach, Men's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Jankowski, George Jankowski, George GJankowskiFREELARAMIE 307.778.1265 PF 111B Specialist, Student Services Enrollment Services
Keiter, Gracie Keiter, Gracie GKeiterFREELARAMIE PF 111M Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Martin, Gavin Martin, Gavin GMartinFREELARAMIE 307.778.1266 SC 130 Instructor, Biology Arts And Sciences
Smith, Gracie Smith, Gracie GSmith1FREELARAMIE Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Butterfield, Hannah Butterfield, Hannah HButterfieldFREELARAMIE 307.778.1127 FA 102A Specialist, Marketing (Design) Marketing And Communications
Jayasinghe, Hashintha Jayasinghe, Hashintha HJayasingheFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Hughes, Isaac Hughes, Isaac IHughesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Developmental Math, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
De la Torre, Isaiah De la Torre, Isaiah ITorreFREELARAMIE Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Ackerman, Jennifer Ackerman, Jennifer JAckermanFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Himes-Baumgartner, Jenny Himes-Baumgartner, Jenny JBaumgarFREELARAMIE 307.778.1267 OFFC Remote Instructor/Course Coordinator, Practical Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Blair, Jesse Blair, Jesse JBlairFREELARAMIE 307.778.4317 PF 205C Director, Risk Management & Campus Safety Administration And Finance
Clark, Jason Clark, Jason JClarkFREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 ACC 125 Adjunct Instructor, Adult Basic Education, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Espinoza, Jazzmine Espinoza, Jazzmine JEspinozaFREELARAMIE PF 226 Assistant Coach, Volleyball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Essex, Justine Essex, Justine JEssexFREELARAMIE 307.778.1239 PF 115 Manager, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Evans, James Evans, James JEvans1FREELARAMIE Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Evans, Jason Evans, Jason JEvansFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Ewing, Jen Ewing, Jen JEwingFREELARAMIE 307.778.1161 PF 226 Program Director, Human Behaviors Arts And Sciences
Felton, Janice Felton, Janice JFeltonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Fritz, John Fritz, John JFritzFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Funk, Joel Funk, Joel JFunkFREELARAMIE 307.778.1376 FA 102B Specialist, Marketing (Design) Marketing And Communications
Greene, James Greene, James JGreeneFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Gricar, Joe Gricar, Joe JGricarFREELARAMIE 307.778.1328 PF 111AC Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Groendal, Jenna Groendal, Jenna JGroendalFREELARAMIE 307.778.4313 LIB 137B Director, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Hamilton, jason Hamilton, jason JHamiltonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds II Plant Operations
Haskell, JT Haskell, JT JHaskellFREELARAMIE 307.778.4391 BT 221 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Hedrick, Jennie Hedrick, Jennie JHedrickFREELARAMIE 307.772.4254 ACC 101B Manager, Student Services, Laramie Campus Student Services, Laramie
Hooke, Jenn Hooke, Jenn JHookeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1249 OFFC Remote Specialist, HR Information Systems Human Resources
Jacobsen, Justine Jacobsen, Justine JJacobsenFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Johnson, Jim Johnson, Jim JJohnson1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Joiner, Justin Joiner, Justin JJoinerFREELARAMIE 307.778.4390 FA 102D Director, Marketing & Communications Marketing And Communications
Kershaw, John Kershaw, John JKershawFREELARAMIE Head Coach, Esports, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Markus, Jennifer Markus, Jennifer JMarkusFREELARAMIE 307.778.1204 LIB 120 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
McGuire, Jo McGuire, Jo JMcguireFREELARAMIE 307.778.1244 BT 123 Instructor, Economics/Finance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Michaud, Jenny Michaud, Jenny JMichaudFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Miller, Jillian Miller, Jillian JMillerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Northrip, Jennifer Northrip, Jennifer JNorthripFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Osterloh, Joni Osterloh, Joni JOsterlohFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Overstreet, James Overstreet, James JOverstreetFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Querry, Jennifer Querry, Jennifer JQuerryFREELARAMIE 307.778.1390 HS 128 Instructor, Practical Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Russell, Judy Russell, Judy JRussell1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Assistant Director, Children's Discovery Center Children's Discovery Center
Ryan, Josh Ryan, Josh JRyan1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1271 CT 200 Instructor, Electrical/Industrial Maintenance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Schwabe, Jake Schwabe, Jake JSchwabeFREELARAMIE 307.432.1613 CT 202A Instructor/Tester, Commercial Driver License Outreach And Workforce Dev
Simon, Jade Simon, Jade JSimonFREELARAMIE 307.772.4268 LAR 119 Instructor, Biology/Geology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Simpson, Janelle Simpson, Janelle JSimpsonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Stringer, Jill Stringer, Jill JStringerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1313 ARP 150 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Taufa, Jennifer Taufa, Jennifer JTaufaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Taylor, Jacob Taylor, Jacob JTaylorFREELARAMIE Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Zuver, John Zuver, John JZuverFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bassett, Kristi Bassett, Kristi KBassettFREELARAMIE 307.778.1101 BT 117 Instructor, Accounting Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Kim, Booyong Kim, Booyong KBooyongFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carter, Kathleen Carter, Kathleen KCarterFREELARAMIE Office Assistant, Part-Time Plant Operations
Hansen, Kacee Hansen, Kacee KHansenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1391 SC 119A Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Radiography Health Sciences And Wellness
Hayes, Kate Hayes, Kate KHayesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Hughes, Kalyn Hughes, Kalyn KHughesFREELARAMIE 307.772.4246 ACC 101 Specialist, Student Services Student Services, Laramie
Jobes, Kyle Jobes, Kyle KJobesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kilmurray, Kaycie Kilmurray, Kaycie KKilmurrayFREELARAMIE 307.778.1216 PF 111S Manager, Student Success Enrollment Services
Malatesta, Kevin Malatesta, Kevin KMalatesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Masters, Kathryn Masters, Kathryn KMastersFREELARAMIE 307.778.1274 PF 119A Lead Proctor, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Myers, Koreen Myers, Koreen KMyersFREELARAMIE 307.432.1622 CR 101G Specialist, Employee Relations and Development Human Resources
Andresen, Karen Andresen, Karen KOHaraFREELARAMIE 307.778.1156 PF 204.5 Specialist, Financial Aid I Financial Aid
Quinn, Krystle Quinn, Krystle KQuinnFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Simons, Kelly Simons, Kelly KSimonsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Thurman, K.D. Thurman, K.D. KThurmanFREELARAMIE 307.432.1660 PF 111P Manager, Student Success Enrollment Services
Vest, Kat Vest, Kat KVestFREELARAMIE 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Workie, Krubiel Workie, Krubiel KWorkieFREELARAMIE Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Lisa LAndersonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4385 PF 207C Specialist, Office of Student Accomodations Student Life
Arnold, Lori Arnold, Lori LArnoldFREELARAMIE 307.432.1607 HS 324 Program Director, Respiratory Therapy Health Sciences And Wellness
Britton, Lori Britton, Lori LBrittonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4304 PF 210F Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Butterfield, Laura Butterfield, Laura LButterfieldFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Social Work Arts And Sciences
Grimes, Lisa Grimes, Lisa LGrimesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Hill, Lane Hill, Lane LHillFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
McAlmond, Laramie McAlmond, Laramie LMcAlmondFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Morris, Lindsey Morris, Lindsey LMorrisFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Mosshammer, Laurie Mosshammer, Laurie LMosshammerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Patridge, Laura Patridge, Laura LPatridgFREELARAMIE 307.778.1308 FA 102F Specialist, Web Content Marketing And Communications
Peck, Landon Peck, Landon LPeckFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Uncapher, Liam Uncapher, Liam LUncapherFREELARAMIE Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Weber, Leland Weber, Leland LWeberFREELARAMIE Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Whiteman, Scott Whiteman, Scott LWhitemanFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Cybersecurity Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Will, Lisa Will, Lisa LWillFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Williams, Lisa Williams, Lisa LWilliamsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Adkins, Melissa Adkins, Melissa MAdkinsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1183 ARP 112 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Albers, Margaret Albers, Margaret MAlbersFREELARAMIE 307.778.1261 PF 207I Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Augustin, Mark Augustin, Mark MAugustinFREELARAMIE 307.772.4259 ACC 103A Safety Officer Operations And Support, Laramie
Bernard, Mary Bernard, Mary MBernardFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Candelaria, Megan Candelaria, Megan MCandelariaFREELARAMIE 307.772.4278 ACC 213 Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Cornog, B Cornog, B MCornogFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, English, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Crepeau, Madison Crepeau, Madison MCrepeauFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Day, Michael Day, Michael MDayFREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Dishman, Melissa Dishman, Melissa MDishmanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1259 CR 101F Specialist, HR Benefits Human Resources
Fox, Minden Fox, Minden MFoxFREELARAMIE 307.778.1279 BT 118 Instructor, Marketing/Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Grilliot, Marie Grilliot, Marie MGrilliotFREELARAMIE 307.778.1211 FA 102E Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications Marketing And Communications
Hudson, Monica Hudson, Monica MHudsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1152 BT 104 Assistant, Administrative III, Business, Ag, & Tech Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Koenig, Morgan Koenig, Morgan MKoenigFREELARAMIE 307.778.1159 EEC 219 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Lange, Michael Lange, Michael MLangeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1120 FA 106 Program Director, Fine & Performing Arts Arts And Sciences
Loveland, Michael Loveland, Michael MLovelandFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Malatesta, Marina Malatesta, Marina MMalatestaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Meyer, Mandolyn Meyer, Mandolyn MMeyerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Mills, Michelle Mills, Michelle MMillsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1209 FA 101B Technician, Campus Printing I Marketing And Communications
Myers, Marly Myers, Marly MMyersFREELARAMIE Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Nelson, Melissa Nelson, Melissa MNelsonFREELARAMIE 307.432.1798 RHW N116 Director, Residential Living Student Life
Nitschke, Mark Nitschke, Mark MNitschkeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
O'Connor, Michael O'Connor, Michael MOConnorFREELARAMIE 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael MPhelpsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Puente, Monica Puente, Monica MPuenteFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Puev, Mark Puev, Mark MPuevFREELARAMIE 307.778.4343 RAC 203 Director, Athletics Athletics And Campus Recreation
Sackett, Matt Sackett, Matt MSackettFREELARAMIE 307.778.1151 BT 119 Instructor, Economics/Public Policy Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Siliga, Moana Siliga, Moana MSiligaFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Tozer, Mark Tozer, Mark MTozerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Trainer, Maggie Trainer, Maggie MTrainerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Uribe, Mike Uribe, Mike MUribeFREELARAMIE 307.778.4359 PF 111X Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Welch, Marta Welch, Marta MWelchFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Williams, Melissa Williams, Melissa MWilliamsFREELARAMIE 307.778.4364 ARP 157 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Beumer, Nicole Beumer, Nicole NBeumerFREELARAMIE 307.772.4251 ACC 103 Assistant, Administrative III, Operations & Support Operations And Support, Laramie
Bohlinger, Niki Bohlinger, Niki NBohlingerFREELARAMIE PF 111N Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Marcello, Nicholas Marcello, Nicholas NMarcelloFREELARAMIE 307.778.1342 PF 210C Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Olson, Nancy Olson, Nancy NOlsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1258 CR 101C Vice President, Human Resources Human Resources
Petersen, Nancy Petersen, Nancy NPetersenFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Rocha, Nola Rocha, Nola NRochaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1231 AM 149 Comptroller Accounting
Trowbridge, Nathan Trowbridge, Nathan NTrowbridgeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
Baucom, Phil Baucom, Phil PBaucomFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Dingess, Paige Dingess, Paige PDingessFREELARAMIE 307.772.4284 ACC 119 Instructor, Life Sciences Academic Affairs, Laramie
Hickman, Pamela Hickman, Pamela PHickmanFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Moran, Pat Moran, Pat PMoranFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Morency, Patricia Morency, Patricia PMorencyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Social Work Arts And Sciences
Plohr, Paul Plohr, Paul PPlohrFREELARAMIE 307.778.1390 HS 118 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Rader, Trish Rader, Trish PRaderFREELARAMIE 307.772.4276 ACC 101A Coach, Student Success Student Services, Laramie
Salas, Paige Salas, Paige PSalasFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Scott, Patrice Scott, Patrice PScottFREELARAMIE CT 106 Adjunct Instructor, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Amend, Rex Amend, Rex RAmendFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Barbre, Rachael Barbre, Rachael RBarbreFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Carranza Zapata, Roman Carranza Zapata, Roman RCarranzaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Dunham, Eric Dunham, Eric RDunhamFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Fugate, Robbie Fugate, Robbie RFugateFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Grill Dining Services
Greenwalt, Rachel Greenwalt, Rachel RGreenwaltFREELARAMIE 307.778.1140 HS 330 Assistant, Administrative III, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Herren, Rhonda Herren, Rhonda RHerrenFREELARAMIE Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Huylar, Robert Huylar, Robert RHuylarFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Juschka, Rebecca Juschka, Rebecca RJuschkaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Mobley, Robert Mobley, Robert RMobleyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Quintana, Ryan Quintana, Ryan RQuintanaFREELARAMIE FA 111 Theatre Technician Manager, PT Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Ryan Robinson, Ryan RRobinson1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Rodriguez, Robert Rodriguez, Robert RRodriguezFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Scheffer, Ryland Scheffer, Ryland RSchefferFREELARAMIE 307.778.1112 BT 215 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Sweet, Rebekah Sweet, Rebekah RSweetFREELARAMIE Staff, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Uncapher, Bob Uncapher, Bob RUncapherFREELARAMIE 307.772.4269 ACC 133 Custodian II Operations And Support, Laramie
Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Sandra SBaxterFREELARAMIE 307.778.1175 AM 142 Technician, Accounting I - Payables Accounting
Charron, Sarah Charron, Sarah SCharronFREELARAMIE 307.778.1314 RHW N138 Trainer, Athletics Athletics And Campus Recreation
DeTavernier, Shawnie DeTavernier, Shawnie SDeTaverFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Eby, Shawn Eby, Shawn SEbyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1237 CCC 149 Director, Dining Services Dining Services
Ellingson, Stacie Ellingson, Stacie SEllingsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1223 PF 207 Assistant, Administrative III, Student Life Student Life
Fiedler Gleich, Stephanie Fiedler Gleich, Stephanie SFiedlerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1388 SC 127A Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Flores Guerrero, Stephanie Flores Guerrero, Stephanie SFloresFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Fritts, Susie Fritts, Susie SFrittsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Hrkach, Stephen Hrkach, Stephen SHrKachFREELARAMIE 307.432.1606 CT 114A Instructor, Wind Energy Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Kirakosyan, Susanna Kirakosyan, Susanna SKirakosyanFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Prep Dining Services
Matheson, Shereen Matheson, Shereen SMathesonFREELARAMIE 307.432.1685 CR 101E Analyst, HR Compensation Human Resources
Pierce, Stacey Pierce, Stacey SPierceFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Schindler, Sarah Schindler, Sarah SSchindlerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1242 HS 132 Instructor, Nursing/Simulation Lab Coordinator Health Sciences And Wellness
Simon, Sarah Simon, Sarah SSimonFREELARAMIE 307.772.4278 ACC 118 Instructor, Mathematics Academic Affairs, Laramie
Stanley, Sean Stanley, Sean SStanleyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Thompson, Sue Thompson, Sue SThompsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1307 HS 220 Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Torney, Sue Torney, Sue STorneyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1281 HS 222 Program Director, Speech Language Pathology Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
VanHorn, Scott VanHorn, Scott SVanHornFREELARAMIE 307.778.4360 FT 205A Pathway Coordinator, Trades & Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Vasudeva, Shay Vasudeva, Shay SVasudevaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Ziegler, Shaun Ziegler, Shaun SZieglerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1173 AM 109 Director, Budget Budget Office
Bjornson, Tim Bjornson, Tim TBjornsoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1389 OFFC Remote Administrator, SQL Database Integrated Technology Services
Corbett, Toya Corbett, Toya TCorbettFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Corrington, Tyler Corrington, Tyler TCorringtonFREELARAMIE Assistant Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Esp, Tyler Esp, Tyler TEspFREELARAMIE 307.778.1366 BT 218 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Garton, Tyrell Garton, Tyrell TGartonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1130 PF 111Q Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Howell, Thain Howell, Thain THowellFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Expo Dining Services
Lear, Thomas Lear, Thomas TLearFREELARAMIE 307.637.2453 CT 122 Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, Tara Miller, Tara TMillerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1284 FA 102B Technician, Campus Printing I Marketing And Communications
Smith, Taylor Smith, Taylor TSmith1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Storer, Thomas Storer, Thomas TStorerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Strong, Traci Strong, Traci TStrongFREELARAMIE 307.778.1227 AM 142 Technician, Accounting II - Payable Accounting
Swarm, Trevor Swarm, Trevor TSwarmFREELARAMIE 307.778.1321 ARP 161 Instructor, Computer Science, AI Arts And Sciences
Wilkins, Tim Wilkins, Tim TWilkinsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Zastrocky, Theodora Zastrocky, Theodora TZastrockyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Flores, Valerie Flores, Valerie VFloresFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Rodekohr, Valerie Rodekohr, Valerie VRodekohrFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Segelke, Vickie Segelke, Vickie VSegelkeFREELARAMIE Assistant Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Schaefer, Walter Schaefer, Walter WSchaeferFREELARAMIE CT 101 Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Wentroble, William Wentroble, William WWentrobleFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Lenz, Yulia Lenz, Yulia YLenzFREELARAMIE 307.778.1182 CR 107B Specialist, Student Engagement & Activities Student Life
Shaver, Zach Shaver, Zach ZShaverFREELARAMIE 307.778.4339 RAC 214A Head Coach, Women's Volleyball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Arias, Anastacio Arias, Anastacio aariasFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barker, Alex Barker, Alex abarkerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1246 HS 216 Pathway Coordinator, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Bell, Aaron Bell, Aaron abellFREELARAMIE 307.778.4657 EEC 113 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Integrated Technology Services
Benavidez, Amanda Benavidez, Amanda abenavidezFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Breton, Ashley Breton, Ashley abretonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Brown, Amber Brown, Amber abrown1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Statistics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Clubb, Andrea Clubb, Andrea aclubbFREELARAMIE 307.778.1359 PF 207F Coordinator, Office of Student Accommodations Student Life
Cook, April Cook, April acookFREELARAMIE 307.778.1143 EEC 127 Director, Strategic Projects Performance And Planning
Davis, Angela Davis, Angela adavisFREELARAMIE CR 107D Specialist, Housing Occupancy and Retention Student Life
Dishman, Addi Dishman, Addi adishmanFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Erickson, Andrew Erickson, Andrew aericksoFREELARAMIE 307.778.4301 BT 124 Instructor, Economics Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Hale, Allison Hale, Allison ahaleFREELARAMIE 307.778.1265 PF 111N Specialist, Student Services Enrollment Services
Haukaas, Anelise Haukaas, Anelise ahaukaasFREELARAMIE 307.637.2455 CT 107A Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kortemeier, Angela Kortemeier, Angela akortemeFREELARAMIE 307.432.1674 OFFC Remote Instructor, Health Information Technology Management Health Sciences And Wellness
Lang, Ashley Lang, Ashley alangFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Economics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Lester-Carlson, Arlene Lester-Carlson, Arlene alesterFREELARAMIE 307.778.1291 CCI 111 Manager, Facilities & Events Facilities And Events
Leuning, Abbigail Leuning, Abbigail aleuningFREELARAMIE Adjunct, Certified Clinical Medical Assisting Outreach And Workforce Dev
Mathews, Ashley Mathews, Ashley amathewsFREELARAMIE 307.778.4307 HS 140 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Brown, Amanda Brown, Amanda ambrownFREELARAMIE 307.432.1666 PF 222 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
McCown, Alli McCown, Alli amccownFREELARAMIE 307.778.4354 PF 111D Assistant Director, Enrollment Services Enrollment Services
McKay, Amanda McKay, Amanda amckayFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, DMS Clinicals Health Sciences And Wellness
Michnick, Amber Michnick, Amber amichnickFREELARAMIE 307.778.1377 LIB 118 Assistant, Administrative III, Ludden Library Library And Learning Commons
Garcia Munter, Aurie Garcia Munter, Aurie amunterFREELARAMIE 307.778.4308 PF 207H Coordinator, Counseling & Campus Wellness Student Life
Olsen, Aaron Olsen, Aaron aolsen1FREELARAMIE 307.778.4382 BT 217 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Parks, Angie Parks, Angie aparksFREELARAMIE 307.778.1289 CR 101I Specialist, Onboarding Human Resources
Potts, Amber Potts, Amber apottsFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Price, Allen Price, Allen apriceFREELARAMIE 307.778.1288 PF 111Z Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Ralls, Ashleigh Ralls, Ashleigh arallsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1292 SC 119D Program Director, Radiography Health Sciences And Wellness
Rodemaker, Austin Rodemaker, Austin arodemaker1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Detwiler-Schaeffer, Anthony Detwiler-Schaeffer, Anthony aschaefferFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Seui, Aolani Seui, Aolani aseuiFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Baker Dining Services
Shelby, Ann Shelby, Ann ashelbyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1176 FA 120 Instructor, Education Arts And Sciences
Siebert, Anne Siebert, Anne asiebertFREELARAMIE CR 101H Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Teague, Amanda Teague, Amanda ateagueFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Mathews, Austin Mathews, Austin aumathewsFREELARAMIE 307.778.4357 EEC 114 Specialist, Technology & Audiovisual Support Integrated Technology Services
Wade, Adrienne Wade, Adrienne awadeFREELARAMIE 307.778.4338 HS 230 Program Director, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Wangeline, Ami Wangeline, Ami awangeliFREELARAMIE 307.778.1139 SC 134 Instructor, Biology Arts And Sciences
Winn, Adam Winn, Adam awinnFREELARAMIE 307.637.2461 CT 113A Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Ziegler, Allie Ziegler, Allie azieglerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Bitner, Bryant Bitner, Bryant bbitnerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Blystone, Brooke Blystone, Brooke bblystoneFREELARAMIE 307.432.1681 PF 111F Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Burns, Brandy Burns, Brandy bburnsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1233 PO 130A Assistant, Administrative III, Plant Operations Plant Operations
Espinoza, Bernadette Espinoza, Bernadette bespinozaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1164 AM 105 Assistant, Fixed Asset & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Geisler, Brandon Geisler, Brandon bgeislerFREELARAMIE 307.432.1671 CT 119 Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jacquot, Ben Jacquot, Ben bjacquotFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kozak, Brian Kozak, Brian bkozakFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Lafountaine, Brittany Lafountaine, Brittany blafountaineFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Larsen, Brendon Larsen, Brendon blarsenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1198 HS 340 Program Director, Physical Therapist Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Lopez, Brian Lopez, Brian blopezFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Lorenz, Bettie Lorenz, Bettie blorenzFREELARAMIE 307.432.1635 SC 184 Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Miller, Bethann Miller, Bethann bmillerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Patterson, Bailey Patterson, Bailey bpattersonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1221 PF 221 Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Storer, Beth Storer, Beth bstorerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Director, Children's Discovery Center Children's Discovery Center
Webb, Bre Webb, Bre bwebbFREELARAMIE 307.778.4394 HS 228 Instructor/Clinical Coord, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Wheeler, Bettina Wheeler, Bettina bwheelerFREELARAMIE 307.778.4334 PF 204.4 Specialist, Registrar Office Office of the Registrar
Whitman, Bradley Whitman, Bradley bwhitmanFREELARAMIE 307.778.4309 AT 109 Temp Instructor, Automotive Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Wilson, Bryan Wilson, Bryan bwilsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1179 FA 118 Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Arts And Sciences
Zink, Bill Zink, Bill bzinkFREELARAMIE 307.778.1121 PO 131A Director, Plant Operations Plant Operations
Abe, Callie Abe, Callie cabeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Bruch, Courtney Bruch, Courtney cbruchFREELARAMIE 307.778.1145 EEC 102D Director, Institutional Assessment Performance And Planning
Carter, Ciera Carter, Ciera ccarterFREELARAMIE Adjunct / Clinical Coordinator, Physical Therapy Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Collier, Colby Collier, Colby ccollierFREELARAMIE 307.778.1365 RAC 509 Supervisor, Custodial Services Plant Operations
Crockett, Cameron Crockett, Cameron ccrockettFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Curtis, Cathy Curtis, Cathy ccurtisFREELARAMIE 307.778.1383 PO 130 Assistant, Administrative I, Plant Operations Plant Operations
DeBruyn, Christine DeBruyn, Christine cdebruynFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Downey, Cindy Downey, Cindy cdowneyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Fournier, Charles Fournier, Charles cfournierFREELARAMIE 307.778.1304 ARP 160 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Goertel, Christie Goertel, Christie cgoertelFREELARAMIE 307.778.1134 CCI 114 Program Manager, Outreach & Workforce Development Outreach And Workforce Dev
Henning, Cindy Henning, Cindy chenningFREELARAMIE 307.778.1185 RAC 126A Program Director, Kinesiology & Health Promotion Health Sciences And Wellness
Isch, Cassidy Isch, Cassidy cischFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jensen, Colton Jensen, Colton cjensenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1235 PO 118 Supervisor, Carpenter Trades Plant Operations
Karajanis, Cameron Karajanis, Cameron ckarajanisFREELARAMIE 307.432.1667 RAC 215B Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Klingbeil, Chris Klingbeil, Chris cklingbeFREELARAMIE 307.778.4342 ARP 111 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Macy, Cory Macy, Cory cmacyFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Maestas, Coulter Maestas, Coulter cmaestas1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
McCabe, Christina McCabe, Christina cmccabeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Metzler, Chase Metzler, Chase cmetzlerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1374 FT 212 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Morgan, Cory Morgan, Cory cmorganFREELARAMIE 307.432.1647 FT 214 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Munger, Caleb Munger, Caleb cmungerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds II Plant Operations
Parker, Cathleen Parker, Cathleen cparkerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Parsons, Chad Parsons, Chad cparsonsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1252 FT 205B Instructor, Diesel Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Perriton, Caleb Perriton, Caleb cperritonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1108 FT 205C Program Director, Trades and Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Piper, Carleen Piper, Carleen cpiperFREELARAMIE 307.778.1226 AM 146 Part-Time Specialist, Payroll Accounting
Rando, Charlie Rando, Charlie crandoFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Read, Careen Read, Careen creadFREELARAMIE 307.778.1367 AM 146 Technician, Payroll I Accounting
Ricketts, Christine Ricketts, Christine crickettFREELARAMIE HSEC Examiner, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Runge, Chris Runge, Chris crungeFREELARAMIE Plumber, Journeyman Plant Operations
Soules, Caroline Soules, Caroline csoulesFREELARAMIE 307.432.1695 PF 204.2 Assistant Registrar Office of the Registrar
Springer, Courtney Springer, Courtney cspringeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1277 SC 129 Instructor, Biology/Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Stratton, Crystal Stratton, Crystal cstrattoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1268 OFFC Remote Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Bacon, Dallas Bacon, Dallas dbaconFREELARAMIE 307.778.1287 AM 136 Assistant, Executive Administrative III, President Presidents Office
Black, Donna Black, Donna dblackFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment (ELC) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Brunner, Doug Brunner, Doug dbrunnerFREELARAMIE 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Chef, Executive Dining Services
Buchmeier, David Buchmeier, David dbuchmeierFREELARAMIE 307.778.1296 PO 121 Technician, HVAC Plant Operations
Castle, Danielle Castle, Danielle dcastleFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Curry, Dave Curry, Dave dcurryFREELARAMIE 307.432.1687 CT 202J Manager, Advanced Manufacturing & Material Center Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dicampli, Dennis Dicampli, Dennis ddicampliFREELARAMIE CT 122 Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dickinson, D'Ann Dickinson, D'Ann ddickinsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1181 EEC 109 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Performance Planning Performance And Planning
Eicke, Dustin Eicke, Dustin deickeFREELARAMIE 307.778.4337 EEC 110 Vice President, Performance & Planning Performance And Planning
Freeman, Dylan Freeman, Dylan dfreemanFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Agriculture Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Gonzalez, Desiree Gonzalez, Desiree dgonzalezFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Heiduck, Donald Heiduck, Donald dheiduckFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
James, David James, David djamesFREELARAMIE 307.778.1155 FA 100C Development Officer, Scholarships & Annual Giving Foundation
Kaelin, Darlene Kaelin, Darlene dkaelinFREELARAMIE 307.778.4381 TC 117 Assistant, Administrative III, Outreach & Workforce Dev Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kelley, David Kelley, David dkelleyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1177 PO 119 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Kisiel, Dana Kisiel, Dana dkisielFREELARAMIE 307.432.1663 HS 142 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Kortum, Damien Kortum, Damien dkortumFREELARAMIE 307.772.4245 ACC 103C Dean of Academic Affairs, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Lambert, David Lambert, David dlambertFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Cook, David Cook, David dlcookFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Malone, Donna Malone, Donna dmaloneFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Maw, Daniel Maw, Daniel dmawFREELARAMIE 307.432.1692 FA 129A Instructor, Art Arts And Sciences
McCammon, Dana McCammon, Dana dmccammoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1169 EEC 102E Specialist, Reporting and Support Institutional Research
McVay, David McVay, David dmcvayFREELARAMIE 307.778.1232 PO 131 Supervisor, Mail & Warehouse Plant Operations
Pino, Dennis Pino, Dennis dpinoFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Randle, Deeda Randle, Deeda drandleFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Equine Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Redding, Doug Redding, Doug dreddingFREELARAMIE 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Rojas, Diana Rojas, Diana drojasFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Rowswell, Dave Rowswell, Dave drowswellFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jensen Ryan, Danielle Jensen Ryan, Danielle dryanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1200 PF 223 Pathway Coordinator, Human & Public Services Arts And Sciences
Salyers, Danae Salyers, Danae dsalyersFREELARAMIE 307.778.1251 HS 120 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Saulsberry, DeWayne Saulsberry, DeWayne dsaulsberryFREELARAMIE 307.778.1323 PF 217 Head Coach, Men's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Stevens, David Stevens, David dstevensFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Thomas, Daryl Thomas, Daryl dthomasFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Williams, Dawn Williams, Dawn dwilliamFREELARAMIE 307.778.1267 HS 124 Assistant, Administrative II, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Zobell, Dwayne Zobell, Dwayne dzobellFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Zwonitzer, Dave Zwonitzer, Dave dzwonitzFREELARAMIE 307.778.1165 ARP 156 Instructor, English/Philosophy Arts And Sciences
Duran, Elmer Duran, Elmer eduranFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Gregor, Eric Gregor, Eric egregorFREELARAMIE Specialist, Building Automation Systems Control Plant Operations
Maddison, Erica Maddison, Erica emaddisonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Moeller, Edward Moeller, Edward emoellerFREELARAMIE 307.637.2497 RESW 130 Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Oswald, Emerie Oswald, Emerie eoswaldFREELARAMIE Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Palmquist, Erin Palmquist, Erin epalmquiFREELARAMIE 307.778.1290 FA 118 Assistant, Administrative III, Arts & Sciences Arts And Sciences
Swank, Eden Swank, Eden eswankFREELARAMIE Lab Assistant, Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Vest, Emily Vest, Emily evestFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Phelps, Frances Phelps, Frances fphelpsFREELARAMIE 307.778.4319 CCI 121 Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carlson, Gary Carlson, Gary gcarlsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
King, Gabbi King, Gabbi gkingFREELARAMIE 307.432.1684 HS 338 Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Physical Therapy Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Lebsack, Geraldine Lebsack, Geraldine glebsackFREELARAMIE 307.778.1147 PO 131 Specialist, Mail/Warehouse Plant Operations
Stout, Gwen Stout, Gwen gstoutFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Werhonig, Gary Werhonig, Gary gwerhoniFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Mikolaizik, Holly Mikolaizik, Holly hmikolaizikFREELARAMIE 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Morrow, Heather Morrow, Heather hmorrowFREELARAMIE 307.778.4312 ARP 153 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Oh, Henry Oh, Henry hohFREELARAMIE 307.778.1188 HS 334 Associate Dean, Health Professions Health Sciences And Wellness
Schudel, Heather Schudel, Heather hschudelFREELARAMIE 307.778.1162 HS 235 Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Talbott, Heather Talbott, Heather htalbottFREELARAMIE 307.778.1315 PF 210A Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Caldon, Ian Caldon, Ian icaldonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4367 PF 224 Instructor, Spanish/ESL Arts And Sciences
Jones, Ian Jones, Ian ijonesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Paramedic Health Sciences And Wellness
Wiggam, Iryna Wiggam, Iryna iwiggamFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, James Miller, James jamillerFREELARAMIE 307.637.2490 PF 207E Dean of Students Student Life
Andersen, Jon Andersen, Jon jandersen1FREELARAMIE RAC 125 Instructor, Kinesiology & Health Promotion Health Sciences And Wellness
Aumiller, Jordyn Aumiller, Jordyn jaumillerFREELARAMIE 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Bangerter, Janine Bangerter, Janine jbangertFREELARAMIE 307.772.4250 ACC 103B Manager, Operations & Support, Laramie Campus Operations And Support, Laramie
Barbero, Jim Barbero, Jim jbarberoFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, SmartCim Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barnes, Jack Barnes, Jack jbarnesFREELARAMIE 307.778.1137 PO 121 Electrician, Journeyman Plant Operations
Barrere, Josh Barrere, Josh jbarrereFREELARAMIE 307.778.4357 EEC 125 Analyst, Cyber Security Integrated Technology Services
Binstock, Jeff Binstock, Jeff jbinstockFREELARAMIE 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Campbell, Justin Campbell, Justin jcampbellFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Carrier, Jonathan Carrier, Jonathan jcarrierFREELARAMIE 307.778.1157 ARP 118 Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Cheever, Janice Cheever, Janice jcheeverFREELARAMIE 307.432.1694 TC 108 Adjunct Instructor, Health Information Technology & Mgt Health Sciences And Wellness
Christenson, Jasmine Christenson, Jasmine jchristensonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Jamie jclarkeFREELARAMIE 307.772.4240 ACC 116 Instructor, Psychology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Corless, Jac Corless, Jac jcorlessFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Curtis, Jamie Curtis, Jamie jcurtisFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Dorris, Jennifer Dorris, Jennifer jdorrisFREELARAMIE 307.778.1317 CCC 151 Assistant, Catering Dining Services
Drudge, James Drudge, James jdrudgeFREELARAMIE 307.432.1637 CT 202K Program Manager, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, Jenn Miller, Jenn jemillerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Ford, Jessica Ford, Jessica jfordFREELARAMIE 307.772.4257 ACC 128 Coordinator, Teaching & Learning Center OWD, Laramie Campus
Gorman, Justin Gorman, Justin jgormanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1372 FA 100A Chief Operating Officer, Foundation Foundation
Hamilton, Joni Hamilton, Joni jhamilton1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1229 SC 132 Coordinator/Instructor, Second Year Clinic, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Hayes, Jordan Hayes, Jordan jhayesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Hoaglund, Janelle Hoaglund, Janelle jhoaglundFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Johnson, Jesse Johnson, Jesse jjohnson2FREELARAMIE PO 121 Technician, HVAC/R Plant Operations
Kelley, John Kelley, John jkelleyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kestner, Janna Kestner, Janna jkestnerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1180 PF 215 Instructor, History Arts And Sciences
King, John King, John jkingFREELARAMIE 307.778.1380 PO 118A Manager, Building Services Plant Operations
Kisinger, Jackie Kisinger, Jackie jkisingeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1354 CR 102A Specialist, Help Desk/Telecommunications Integrated Technology Services
Koenig, Julie Koenig, Julie jkoenigFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Koslosky, Jill Koslosky, Jill jkosloskFREELARAMIE 307.778.1154 BT 104A Dean, School of Business, Agriculture & Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Manners, Jeff Manners, Jeff jmannersFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian III, Lead Setup Plant Operations
McCarrel, Justin McCarrel, Justin jmccarrelFREELARAMIE 307.778.4371 EEC 102C Analyst, Data Quality & Compliance Institutional Research
McCartney, Jennifer McCartney, Jennifer jmccartneyFREELARAMIE 307.432.1630 EEC 124 Director, Sponsored Awards and Compliance Sponsored Awards And Compliance
McKim, Jamie McKim, Jamie jmckimFREELARAMIE 307.772.4256 ACC 149 Manager, Outreach & Workforce Development, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
O'Brien, J O'Brien, J jobrienFREELARAMIE 307.778.1368 FA 107 Pathway Coordinator, Communication & Creative Arts Arts And Sciences
O'Halloran, Jay O'Halloran, Jay johallorFREELARAMIE 307.778.1293 PO 133 Technician, Vehicle Maintenance Plant Operations
Olive, Jeanette Olive, Jeanette joliveFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Pasqua, Jason Pasqua, Jason jpasquaFREELARAMIE 307.778.4323 FA 111 Instructor, Theatre/Communication Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Johnathon Robinson, Johnathon jrobinsonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Sanchez, Joseph Sanchez, Joseph jsanchez1FREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Schaffer, Joe Schaffer, Joe jschafferFREELARAMIE 307.778.1102 AM 138 President Presidents Office
Schneider, John Schneider, John jschneidFREELARAMIE 307.778.4357 EEC 118 Analyst, Systems Support Integrated Technology Services
Semlak, Julie Semlak, Julie jsemlakFREELARAMIE 307.778.1238 PF 216 Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Shmidl, Jeff Shmidl, Jeff jshmidlFREELARAMIE 307.778.1343 BT 116 Program Director, Business & Finance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Smith, Jerry Smith, Jerry jsmith2FREELARAMIE 307.778.1351 HS 232 Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Concentrations Health Sciences And Wellness
Stephenson, Josh Stephenson, Josh jstephensonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4357 EEC 123 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Integrated Technology Services
Thein, Josh Thein, Josh jtheinFREELARAMIE 307.778.1371 EEC 227 Specialist, LMS Administrator & Multimedia Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Pagan Torres, Juan Pagan Torres, Juan jtorresFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Varos, Jasmine Varos, Jasmine jvaros1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1138 BT 216 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Vogler, Jadin Vogler, Jadin jvoglerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1253 AG 110 Instructor, Equine Science & Activity Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Weppner, Jodi Weppner, Jodi jweppnerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1230 PF 218 Instructor/Coordinator, Justice Studies Arts And Sciences
Yizar, Jayden Yizar, Jayden jyizarFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Lommatsch, Kayla Lommatsch, Kayla kLommatschFREELARAMIE 307.637.2497 RESW 130 Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Ragsdale, Kodi Ragsdale, Kodi kRagsdaleFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Beasley, Kyla Beasley, Kyla kbeasleyFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Blunn, Katie Blunn, Katie kblunnFREELARAMIE 307.778.1364 PF 210E Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Bosc, Katie Bosc, Katie kboscFREELARAMIE Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Bowen, Karen Bowen, Karen kbowenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1111 HS 336 Dean, School of Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Bowman, Kaylee Bowman, Kaylee kbowmanFREELARAMIE Adjunct, Certified Clinical Medical Assisting Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bunya, Ken Bunya, Ken kbunyaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1270 EEC 115 Director & Senior Infrastructure Architect Integrated Technology Services
Cover, Katie Cover, Katie kcoverFREELARAMIE 307.778.1110 FA 100B Development Officer, Event Coordination Foundation
Demello, Kayli Demello, Kayli kdemelloFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Dobson, Kirstin Dobson, Kirstin kdobsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4369 Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Fulks, Kathleen Fulks, Kathleen kfulksFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Gallagher, Kevin Gallagher, Kevin kgallagherFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Dishwasher Dining Services
Gallegos, Kemsley Gallegos, Kemsley kgallegos1FREELARAMIE 307.760.8517 AG 108 Instructor, Animal Science & Livestock Judging Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Gibson, Katie Gibson, Katie kgibsonFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Hedstrom, Kimberly Hedstrom, Kimberly khedstromFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Herbst, Kayla Herbst, Kayla kherbst1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1202 LIB 121 Technician, Library Services Library And Learning Commons
Brown-Herbst, Kari Brown-Herbst, Kari kherbstFREELARAMIE 307.778.1103 EEC 212 Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Larson, Kobe Larson, Kobe klarson1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Miller, Krysten Miller, Krysten kmillerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1225 EEC 126 Specialist, Post Award Management Sponsored Awards And Compliance
Noble, Kendra Noble, Kendra knobleFREELARAMIE CCI 109 Assistant, Administrative I, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Nofzinger, Krystle Nofzinger, Krystle knofzingerFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Olivas, Kaylin Olivas, Kaylin kolivasFREELARAMIE PF 226 Athletic Event Support Staff, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Parrish, Kraig Parrish, Kraig kparrishFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Pierson, Kelsie Pierson, Kelsie kpiersonFREELARAMIE 307.637.2498 RHW N116 Assistant, Administrative I, Residential Living Student Life
Shockley, Katie Shockley, Katie kshockleyFREELARAMIE 307.778.4335 AG 106 Pathway Coordinator, Agriculture & Equine Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Tast, Keith Tast, Keith ktastFREELARAMIE Adjunct, Driver's Education Coordinator Outreach And Workforce Dev
Tschimperle, Katie Tschimperle, Katie ktschimperleFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Young, Krista Young, Krista kyoungFREELARAMIE HS 326 Clinical Coordinator, Respiratory Therapy Health Sciences And Wellness
Arenas, Lugo Arenas, Lugo larenasFREELARAMIE 307.778.4393 RAC 222 Head Coach, Women's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Balken, La Rita Balken, La Rita lbalkenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds III Plant Operations
Brown, Logan Brown, Logan lbrownFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
Freeman, Lindsey Freeman, Lindsey lfreemanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1190 AG 107 Program Director, Agriculture Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Friederich, Larry Friederich, Larry lfriedrichFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Hayes, Laura Hayes, Laura lhayesFREELARAMIE 307.432.1615 ARP 151 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Herget, Linda Herget, Linda lhergetFREELARAMIE 307.778.1278 LIB 115 Specialist, Library Access Services Library And Learning Commons
Trimble, Lisa Trimble, Lisa lisatrimbleFREELARAMIE 307.432.1603 FA 100E Vice President, Advancement Institutional Advancement
Jones, Larry Jones, Larry ljonesFREELARAMIE Program Director, Emergency Medical Services Health Sciences And Wellness
Lane, Lee Lane, Lee llaneFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
McDonald, Lanae McDonald, Lanae lmcdonaldFREELARAMIE 307.778.1191 AG 109 Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
McMennamin, Laura McMennamin, Laura lmcmennaFREELARAMIE 307.772.4264 ACC 129 Instructor, English Academic Affairs, Laramie
McVeigh, Lucy McVeigh, Lucy lmcveighFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education Health Sciences And Wellness
Munoz, Lenora Munoz, Lenora lmunozFREELARAMIE 307.778.1243 PF 111G Assistant, Administrative III, Admissions Enrollment Services
Nordyke, Lisa Nordyke, Lisa lnordykeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1136 ARP 159 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Castro Pampanaupa, Luz Castro Pampanaupa, Luz lpampanaupaFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Pixley, Leslie Pixley, Leslie lpixleyFREELARAMIE 307.637.2450 CT 103 Assistant, Administrative I, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Rowen, Lily Rowen, Lily lrowenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1220 PF 220 Instructor, Government Studies Arts And Sciences
Schaffer, Lia Schaffer, Lia lschafferFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Shandera, Lacey Shandera, Lacey lshanderFREELARAMIE 307.778.1299 PF 204.D Assistant Director, Financial Aid Financial Aid
Sigsbury, Laura Sigsbury, Laura lsigsburyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1255 EEC 223 Specialist, LMS Administrator & Data Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Snyder, Lisa Snyder, Lisa lsnyderFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Stover, Leann Stover, Leann lstoverFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Stutheit, Lindsey Stutheit, Lindsey lstutheitFREELARAMIE 307.778.1357 AM 112 Director, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Outreach And Workforce Dev
Swanson, Leif Swanson, Leif lswansonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1300 ARP 149 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Taylor, Lisa Taylor, Lisa ltaylorFREELARAMIE 307.778.1124 PF 219 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Vought, Lance Vought, Lance lvoughtFREELARAMIE 307.778.1244 BT 123 Adjunct Instructor, Economics Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Webster, Mike Webster, Mike mWebsterFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Anaya, Michael Anaya, Michael manayaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Aragon, Melissa Aragon, Melissa maragonFREELARAMIE 307.432.1690 AM 120 Technician, Student Accounts I Accounting
Martin, Mary Martin, Mary marymartinFREELARAMIE 307.637.2403 CT 100 Manager, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Cassista, Matt Cassista, Matt mcassistaFREELARAMIE Plumber, Journeyman Plant Operations
Clark, Michael Clark, Michael mclarkFREELARAMIE 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Coburn, Michael Coburn, Michael mcoburnFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Contreras, Mary Contreras, Mary mcontrerFREELARAMIE 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Supervisor, Residential Custodial Services Student Life
Cox, Max Cox, Max mcox1FREELARAMIE Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Dellos, Madison Dellos, Madison mdellosFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Fulmer, Mykala Fulmer, Mykala mfulmerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Gallant, Melissa Gallant, Melissa mgallantFREELARAMIE 307.778.1322 CCI 110 Specialist, Facilities Scheduling & Events Facilities And Events
Gulizia, Marie Gulizia, Marie mguliziaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Harden, Mary Harden, Mary mhardenFREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Howie, Mike Howie, Mike mhowieFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kassel, Michael Kassel, Michael mkasselFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, History Arts And Sciences
Keehnen, Michelle Keehnen, Michelle mkeehnenFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kelly, Meghan Kelly, Meghan mkellyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1201 LIB 119 Associate Dean, Library & Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Martin, Melissa Martin, Melissa mmartinFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Massey, Michelle Massey, Michelle mmasseyFREELARAMIE 307.778.1276 PF 204.6 Specialist, Financial Aid II Financial Aid
McGuire, Mark McGuire, Mark mmcguireFREELARAMIE 307.778.1256 PO 131B Project Manager, Construction Plant Operations
Meese, Monique Meese, Monique mmeeseFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Miears, Marissa Miears, Marissa mmiearsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Mohatt, Mary Mohatt, Mary mmohattFREELARAMIE Writing Consultant, LC PT Library And Learning Commons
Moon, Morgan Moon, Morgan mmoonFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Mulhern, Maranatha Mulhern, Maranatha mmulhernFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Myser, Milton Myser, Milton mmyserFREELARAMIE Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Narvais, Mark Narvais, Mark mnarvaisFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Nolan, Matt Nolan, Matt mnolanFREELARAMIE 307.778.1160 FT 215 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Palmer, Macy Palmer, Macy mpalmerFREELARAMIE Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Randall, Mike Randall, Mike mrandallFREELARAMIE 307.778.4392 EEC 112 Specialist, Senior Enterprise Application Support Integrated Technology Services
Rinne, Mark Rinne, Mark mrinneFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Sayers, Mike Sayers, Mike msayersFREELARAMIE 307.630.3378 PF 117 Supervisor, Campus Safety Campus Safety
Shaw, Marlene Shaw, Marlene mshawFREELARAMIE 307.778.1335 HS 132 Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Slovik, Mark Slovik, Mark mslovikFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Smith, Melanie Smith, Melanie msmith3FREELARAMIE 307.432.1902 CCC 151 Cook, Grill Dining Services
Stephens, Michael Stephens, Michael mstephensFREELARAMIE 307.432.1694 TC 108 Instructor, Technical Skill Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Stratton, Madalynn Stratton, Madalynn mstrattonFREELARAMIE Custodian I Plant Operations
Stutz, Melissa Stutz, Melissa mstutzFREELARAMIE 307.778.1217 PF 205B Senior Vice President, Student Services Student Services
Cosseboom Swainson, Misty Cosseboom Swainson, Misty mswainsoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1241 PF 204.3 Specialist, Senior Registrar Office Office of the Registrar
Swanger, Maggie Swanger, Maggie mswangerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1283 LIB 123 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
Tast, Maryellen Tast, Maryellen mtastFREELARAMIE 307.778.1146 CCI 115 Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Urschel, Matt Urschel, Matt murschelFREELARAMIE 307.778.1148 EEC 102B Analyst, Senior Research Institutional Research
VanEperen, Michelle VanEperen, Michelle mvaneperenFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Vest, Matthew Vest, Matthew mvestFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Williams, Mackenzie Williams, Mackenzie mwilliamFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Yearling, Marie Yearling, Marie myearlingFREELARAMIE 307.778.1131 PF 210D Instructor, Microbiology Arts And Sciences
Young, Melanie Young, Melanie myoungFREELARAMIE 307.778.1273 ARP 108 Program Director, Mathematics & English Arts And Sciences
Johnson, Nicki Johnson, Nicki njohnsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Milatzo, Nicco Milatzo, Nicco nmilatzoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Owen, Nick Owen, Nick nowenFREELARAMIE 307.432.1662 CT 202E Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Castro Pampanaupa, Nelly Castro Pampanaupa, Nelly npampanaupaFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Steege, Nichole Steege, Nichole nsteegeFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Trejo, Nia Trejo, Nia ntrejoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1318 CCC 151 Assistant, Catering Dining Services
Cathcart, Oakley Cathcart, Oakley ocathcartFREELARAMIE 307.778.1297 PO 128 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Jolovich, Peggy Jolovich, Peggy pJolovichFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Badgett, Paula Badgett, Paula pbadgettFREELARAMIE 307.778.1378 LIB 122 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
Carter, Paul Carter, Paul pcarterFREELARAMIE Technician, HVAC Plant Operations
DeMartin, Pam DeMartin, Pam pdemartFREELARAMIE 307.778.1228 AM 142 Supervisor, Accounting & Payroll Accounting
Dunlap, Paige Dunlap, Paige pdunlapFREELARAMIE Assistant, Mail Services / Warehouse PT Plant Operations
Dunnam, Paulette Dunnam, Paulette pdunnamFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Koslosky, Paul Koslosky, Paul pkosloskFREELARAMIE 307.778.4306 HS 138 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Pampanaupa Lopez, Pilar Pampanaupa Lopez, Pilar plopezFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Lorenz, Phillip Lorenz, Phillip plorenzFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Okamoto, Paula Okamoto, Paula pokamotoFREELARAMIE Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Oswald, Peter Oswald, Peter poswaldFREELARAMIE 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds I Plant Operations
Pace, Patrick Pace, Patrick ppaceFREELARAMIE 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Du, Qing Du, Qing qduFREELARAMIE 307.778.1129 SC 125A Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Munoz-Alicea, Roberto Munoz-Alicea, Roberto raliceaFREELARAMIE 307.778.4348 ARP 158 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Benning, Rob Benning, Rob rbenningFREELARAMIE 307.778.1196 AT 109 Instructor, Automotive Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Clubb, Reilly Clubb, Reilly rclubbFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Dykstra, Raymond Dykstra, Raymond rdykstraFREELARAMIE 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
Evelo, Rick Evelo, Rick reveloFREELARAMIE 307.778.1257 PO 132 Manager, Grounds Maintenance Plant Operations
Fertig, Ron Fertig, Ron rfertigFREELARAMIE 307.778.1187 PO 119 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Gable, Roger Gable, Roger rgableFREELARAMIE 307.778.4349 PO 122 Supervisor, Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Trades Plant Operations
Hamid, Rakhshi Hamid, Rakhshi rhamidFREELARAMIE 307.778.4378 EEC 220 Director, Center for Secondary Students Academic Affairs
Hill, Rachel Hill, Rachel rhillFREELARAMIE 307.778.1207 PF 217 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Hing, Robert Hing, Robert rhingFREELARAMIE 307.772.4275 ACC 115 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Operations And Support, Laramie
Johnson, Rick Johnson, Rick rjohnsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1135 AM 111 Senior Vice President, Administration & Finance Administration And Finance
Leiseth, Rodney Leiseth, Rodney rleisethFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Lopez, Rachel Lopez, Rachel rlopezFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
McElroy, Rachael McElroy, Rachael rmcelroyFREELARAMIE 307.432.1629 CCI 116 Coordinator, Non-Credit Technical Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Medina, Ron Medina, Ron rmedinaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1167 FA 130A Instructor, Art Arts And Sciences
Nanney, Ray Nanney, Ray rnanneyFREELARAMIE Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Nelson, Renee Nelson, Renee rnelsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1375 ARP 154 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Priest, Rhonda Priest, Rhonda rpriestFREELARAMIE 307.778.1356 TC 111 Program Manager, Certified Public Manager & Bus Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Castro Quispe, Roberto Castro Quispe, Roberto rquispeFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Renner, Rich Renner, Rich rrennerFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barnett, Stefanie Barnett, Stefanie sbarnettFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Best, Shauna Best, Shauna sbestFREELARAMIE 307.778.1224 AM 147 Technician, Accounting II Accounting
Caamano, Samira Caamano, Samira scaamanoFREELARAMIE 307.772.4279 ACC 117 Instructor, Chemistry Academic Affairs, Laramie
Dellos, Susan Dellos, Susan sdellosFREELARAMIE 307.778.1208 HS 130 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Fails, Sammie Fails, Sammie sfailsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1133 HS 134 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Gancze, Shayne Gancze, Shayne sganczeFREELARAMIE 307.778.1355 EEC 122 Technician, Audiovisual I Integrated Technology Services
Hanson, Sheridan Hanson, Sheridan shansonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4322 EEC 226 Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Jensen, Steve Jensen, Steve sjensenFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Landon, Stacy Landon, Stacy slandonFREELARAMIE 307.778.4321 LIB 117 Technician, Library Services Library And Learning Commons
Logan, Scott Logan, Scott sloganFREELARAMIE 307.778.1178 HS 328 Clinical Coordinator, Emergency Medical Services Health Sciences And Wellness
Maas, Stephanie Maas, Stephanie smaasFREELARAMIE 307.778.1385 PF 111H Coordinator, Student Hub Enrollment Services
Maestas, Stacy Maestas, Stacy smaestasFREELARAMIE 307.778.1240 PF 204C Registrar Office of the Registrar
McDonald, Scott McDonald, Scott smcdonaldFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Milatzo, Santino Milatzo, Santino smilatzoFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Moncrief, Scott Moncrief, Scott smoncrieFREELARAMIE 307.778.1172 FA 119 Instructor, Education Arts And Sciences
Muirbrook, Arlo Muirbrook, Arlo smuirbrookFREELARAMIE Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Nelson, Svetlana Nelson, Svetlana snelsonFREELARAMIE 307.772.4289 ACC 130 Instructional Assistant - ABE (Odd) OWD, Laramie Campus
Perkins, Seth Perkins, Seth sperkinsFREELARAMIE 307.772.4285 ACC 110 Head Librarian, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Robbins, Seth Robbins, Seth srobbinsFREELARAMIE 307.772.4251 ACC 103 Instructor, Diesel Technology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Rocha, Susan Rocha, Susan srochaFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Rorabaugh, Stacey Rorabaugh, Stacey srorabaughFREELARAMIE 307.778.1382 CCI 113 Specialist, Events and Accounting Facilities And Events
Shaw, Stephen Shaw, Stephen sshawFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Simental, Santana Simental, Santana ssimentalFREELARAMIE Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Smith, Sarah Smith, Sarah ssmithFREELARAMIE 307.778.1113 EEC 102F Director, Institutional Research Institutional Research
Torney, Sarah Torney, Sarah storney1FREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Zavorka, Shannon Zavorka, Shannon szavorkaFREELARAMIE 307.778.1213 ARP 152 Instructor, Statistics Arts And Sciences
Amick, Troy Amick, Troy tamickFREELARAMIE 307.772.1269 BT 220 Program Director, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Boley, Torrey Boley, Torrey tboleyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Pine Bluffs Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bostrom, Tim Bostrom, Tim tbostromFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Brady, Tyler Brady, Tyler tbradyFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Brannan, Toni Brannan, Toni tbrannanFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dominguez, Tammy Dominguez, Tammy tdominguezFREELARAMIE Writing Consultant, LC PT Library And Learning Commons
Guerra, Taylor Guerra, Taylor tguerraFREELARAMIE 307.778.1325 PF 113 Coordinator, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Hacker, Tonya Hacker, Tonya thackerFREELARAMIE 307.778.1146 TC 109 Dean, School of Outreach & Workforce Development Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kilian, Tracy Kilian, Tracy tkilianFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Lyles, Toby Lyles, Toby tlylesFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Madigan, Tammy Madigan, Tammy tmadiganFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian III, Lead Setup Plant Operations
Morrell, Trent Morrell, Trent tmorrellFREELARAMIE 307.778.1312 PF 210B Pathway Coordinator, STEM Arts And Sciences
Nickelson, Tristyn Nickelson, Tristyn tnickelsonFREELARAMIE Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Page, Thyra Page, Thyra tpageFREELARAMIE 307.772.4248 ACC 116 Instructor, Communication Academic Affairs, Laramie
Strickland, Theresa Strickland, Theresa tstricklandFREELARAMIE Custodian I Plant Operations
Tomlinson, Troy Tomlinson, Troy ttomlinsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Supervisor, Custodial Services Plant Operations
Wentroble, Tara Wentroble, Tara twentrobleFREELARAMIE 307.637.2450 CT 111 Assistant, Mail Services / Warehouse PT Plant Operations
Wickham, Ted Wickham, Ted twickhamFREELARAMIE 307.778.1353 EEC 119 Manager, Network Integrated Technology Services
Willmarth, Tracy Willmarth, Tracy twillmarthFREELARAMIE 307.7781153 AM 146 Specialist, Payroll Accounting
Wofford, Terri Wofford, Terri twoffordFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Wood, Trista Wood, Trista twoodFREELARAMIE 307.432.1600 FA 100D Director, Accounting; Foundation Foundation
Zimny, Tony Zimny, Tony tzimnyFREELARAMIE 307.637.2499 RESC 109C Assistant Director, Residential Living Student Life
Denis, Venansa Denis, Venansa vdenisFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Gibson, Vince Gibson, Vince vgibsonFREELARAMIE 307.778.1194 PF 114 Assistant Director, Athletics and Recreation Athletics And Campus Recreation
Hill, Veronica Hill, Veronica vhillFREELARAMIE 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
LaPlante, Victoria LaPlante, Victoria vlaplanteFREELARAMIE 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Shift Lead, Emporium Dining Services
Milatzo, Vito Milatzo, Vito vmilatzo1FREELARAMIE 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Milatzo, Vito Milatzo, Vito vmilatzo3FREELARAMIE PF 204.8 Athletic Event Support Staff, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Fiscus, Whitney Fiscus, Whitney wfiscusFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Physical Therapy Assistant (Interim) Health Sciences And Wellness
Holzapfel, Wade Holzapfel, Wade wholzapfFREELARAMIE Music Accompanist Arts And Sciences
Whittle, William Whittle, William wwhittleFREELARAMIE Cook, Senior Dining Services
Wright, William Wright, William wwrightFREELARAMIE 307.778.4315 LIB 137 Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Wehr, Yvonne Wehr, Yvonne ywehrFREELARAMIE 307.778.1141 SC 113B Specialist/Clinic Manager, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Meier, Zoe Meier, Zoe zmeierFREELARAMIE Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Roehrs, Zac Roehrs, Zac zroehrsFREELARAMIE 307.778.1387 OFFC Remote Instructor, Microbiology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Sothan, Zach Sothan, Zach zsothanFREELARAMIE Custodian I PT Plant Operations