Safety Tips

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 Protecting Yourself and Your Property


  • Alcohol and other drugs raise the risk of fights, sexual assaults and other crimes. They also hurt your ability to make good decisions, notice warning signs and defend yourself. Alcohol poisoning or overdose pose additional risks.
  • Never go somewhere alone with someone you don't know well. Try group outings.
  • Open and pour your own beverage. Avoid punches or other mixed concoctions. And don't leave your drink unattended – if you must, get a new one.
  • Agree that you and your friends will watch out for each other. If someone's in trouble or heading that way, step in.


  • Secure it with a quality U-lock. 
  • Lock both the wheels and the frame to a bike rack. (Using a tree, bench or similar object can make your bike easier to steal and/or earn you a ticket.)
  • Take any easily detachable parts with you.


  • Keep your vehicle locked, with the windows up.
  • Park in well-lit, busy areas.
  • Take valuables with you, or put them back in the trunk.

Other Items:

  • Don't leave valuables, like a laptop or cell phone, unattended or out in open view. Don't enable a "crime of opportunity."

In Your Residence:

  • Keep your doors and windows locked.
  • Don't let in strangers. Never prop doors open!
  • Report lost keys or broken locks right away.


  • Walk or jog with a friend. Or let someone know where you're going and when you'll be back.
  • Walk or jog confidently in well-lit, busy areas.
  • Stay alert to what's behind and around you. Avoid loud music.
  • Know where emergency call boxes are located and how to use them.

Suspicious Activity: 

  • Report suspicious people or activity to your RA, ÌÇÐÄlive Campus Safety, and/or local law enforcement right away.
  • If you think you're being followed: Cross the street or change direction. Keep glancing back so the person knows he or she's been seen. Memorize details about him or her. Go to a well-lit area where there are people, and get their attention.

Prevent Fires:

  • Do not use any flame or heat source banned in your residence. Know the rules and regulations in your residence area. 
  • Never leave heat sources or cooking unattended.
  • Don’t overload outlets. Replace or repair any frayed cords.

Know How to Get Out:

  •  On campus: Plan an escape route, and know where the alarms and fire extinguishers are. Keep all exits and fire escapes clear. Never disable fire alarms!
  • Off campus: Plan multiple escape routes from each area. Pick an outdoor meeting place in front of your home. Practice regularly. Keep a multi-purpose (ABC) fire extinguisher on each level of your home. Follow the instructions for use and upkeep.

If You're Trapped:

  • Close all doors between you and the fire. Use cloth or tape to cover vents and gaps around doors to keep smoke out.
  • Signal for help – wave a light-colored cloth or shine a flashlight out the window.

Be prepared. Keep important numbers handy. Post these and other important numbers by your landline and enter them into your cell phone.

  • Laramie County Sheriff's Department (911 or 9-911 from a campus landline telephone)
  • ÌÇÐÄlive Campus Safety (307.630.0645 Cheyenne campus; 307.772.4259 Albany County Campus)
  • ÌÇÐÄlive Title IX Coordinator (Judy Hay, Vice President, Student Services; Pathfinder Building 205B; 307.778.1217)
  • ÌÇÐÄlive Counseling & Campus Wellness (307.778.4397)

Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an active shooter event.

Call 911 when it is safe to do so.

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Keep your hands visible
  • Hide in an area out of the shooter's view
  • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors
  • Silence your cell phone and/or pager
  • As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
  • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter
  • Remain calm and follow instructions
    • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets)
    • Raise hands and spread fingers
    • Keep hands visible at all times
    • Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety
    • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
    • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating