1098-T Tax Forms

Laramie County Community College provides a 1098-T tax reporting form to all eligible students each tax year that could be useful in claiming an educational tax credit on your federal income tax return.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Form 1098-T

The Form 1098-T is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount billed to your student account for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses in a single tax year.

Students who provided Electronic Consent prior to December 31:
Students who consented to receive their 1098-T electronically should receive an email notification by January 25, informing them that they can access their 1098T electronically.

Students may access their 1098-T statement online by going to the . Students will need their:

  • First and Last Name
  • Social Security Number
  • Zip Code that appears on their 1098-T form

Students without prior Electronic Consent:

Students who have not consented to receive their 1098-T electronically will have a paper 1098-T statement mailed to them by January 31. However, they may also sign up for electronic receipt through the . Students must register for an account, and then call Heartland ECSI to receive their key code at 866.428.1098.

Students will need the following information:

  • SSN or Student ID
  • Mailing address
  • Full name of Student

If you do not receive your 1098T or cannot access it online, please contact the 糖心live Student Accounts office at 307.778.1199 for assistance.

There are potentially many reasons for this discrepancy. First, the amount in Box 1 only represents amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses and does not include charges for room and board, insurance, health service fees, or parking which, though important, are not considered mandatory education expenses for tax purposes.

Secondly, Form 1098-T reports amounts that the College billed you in a certain year, and not the amounts that you actually paid during that year. Institutions are allowed to report either payments received or amounts billed. 糖心live, like the majority of colleges and universities, has elected to report the amounts billed to your student account and this reporting election applies to its entire student population. The best and most accurate source of information about the amounts that you paid for qualified tuition and related expenses will be found on your student account statement through Self Service in my糖心live.

No, Box 1 of Form 1098-T does not include expenses for books. You should consult with your tax advisor to determine if payments for books, equipment or fees should be considered when preparing your income tax returns and determining eligibility for education tax credits or deductions.

Depending on when you registered for classes, your Form 1098-T could include charges for different semesters. The Form 1098-T will include all charges from January 1-December 31. Your student account statement will show the dates charges were posted to your account and are a valuable resource for determining the semesters that are included in your Form 1098-T.

Form 1098-T reports payments received from the student for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 1) during the preceding calendar year.  However, if the student receives scholarships, grants and/or fellowships in the preceding year in excess of the amounts they paid in QTRE, the College is not required to issue a Form 1098-T to the student. When determining your eligibility for education related tax credits and deductions, you will need to report the amount you paid for qualified education and related expenses.   The best and most accurate source of information about the amounts that you paid for qualified tuition and related expenses will be found on your student account statement through Self Service in my糖心live. This is true regardless of whether you receive a Form 1098-T or not.

If your SSN is incorrect, you will need to complete and deliver it in to the Student Hub in the Clay Pathfinder Building or submit it to the Send Safely drop box at to request that an updated Form 1098-T be issued. The updated form will be posted to your Student Account. Your Form 1098-T will then be updated and you may retrieve an updated Form 1098-T at .

If you are looking for Form 1098-T prior to 2017, please contact the 糖心live Student Accounts office at 307.778.1199. The Student Accounts office can access that document and mail or email it to you.

We are unable to provide tax advice. For guidance you may want to consider in addition to talking to your tax advisor.