Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Most 糖心live HSW students must complete clinical rotations for program completion. These clinical rotations occur in clinical settings with clinical sites that have agreed to provide these educational experiences for 糖心live students. In order to ensure the safest environment possible for their patients and staff, many of these clinical settings have included COVID-19 in their list of clinical clearance requirements, with limited exemptions available for students and employees. Because all clinical hours and/or clinical competencies must be completed to meet program requirements, this means you may be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccination or have an approved exemption on file to enter and/or progress in the Physical Therapist Assistant program. For additional information, regarding these requirements, please see the Health Sciences & Wellness Policies Handbook, Addendum and the Clinical Site COVID-19 FAQs.
What will I learn?
Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) work under the direction of physical therapists to help people of all ages who have health-related conditions that limit their ability to move and perform daily activities. Physical therapist assistants help patients reach their maximum performance and level of functioning while learning to live within the limits of their rehabilitation goals.
Physical therapist assistants may assist in the development of treatment plans, treatment documentation, and modification of specific treatments that have been established by the physical therapist.
Students in this program study anatomy, physiology, therapeutic procedures and communication.
Associate of Applied Science
The Physical Therapist Assistant professional program is a five-semester sequence, preceded by a set of prerequisites. Students must maintain a minimum grade of a "C" in each course, in addition to college graduation requirements, to progress and graduate. Upon completion, graduates of the Physical Therapist Assistant program are eligible to apply for the national licensing exam, administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT).
Available at the Cheyenne main campus.
What can I do with this degree?
Employment opportunities include outpatient physical therapy offices and clinics, hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.
Visit for additional information about Physical Therapist Assistants.
Visit for additional information about Physical Therapist Aides.
Visit 糖心live's Career Resources to find tools for selecting the right program for you and marketing yourself to future employers.
The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) at Laramie County Community College (糖心live) is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Avenue, Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: . If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 307.778.1198 or email blarsenFREELARAMIE.
糖心live requires drug screens and background checks for all PTA students. At their discretion, clinical sites may require additional drug screening and/or a criminal background check prior to allowing students into the clinical setting. (If required, any associated fees will be the responsibility of the student.) Clinical sites may also require random drug testing and/or drug testing for reasonable cause. Testing positive on the drug screening or evidence of tampering with a specimen will disqualify a student from participation from clinical assignment.
In addition to drug screening, for the safety of patients and health care workers, child abuse clearance and criminal background checks are required by some agencies prior to a clinical assignment. Certain criminal activity, evidenced by a criminal background check, may also disqualify a student from clinical participation.
Students are advised that the inability to gain clinical education experiences can result in the inability to meet program objectives and outcomes. These circumstances may prevent acceptance into and/or continuance in the program.
Goals: The PTA program seeks to prepare students to assume a professional and active role within the physical therapy community. The program will:
- Produce PTAs prepared to competently meet the entry level duties of a PTA in a variety of settings.
- Produce PTAs prepared to successfully complete the National Physical Therapist Assistant Examination (NPTAE).
- Develop and deliver an integrated academic program leading to the successful completion of the guidelines developed by the Higher Learning Commission of the North-Central Association of Colleges and Schools and the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).
- Promote the importance of continued personal and professional development through life-long learning and membership in professional organizations, and advance the recognition of the field of physical therapy and the role of the PTA within that field.
Objectives (Graduates will be able to):
- Work under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist in a safe, ethical, legal and professional manner.
- Implement a comprehensive treatment plan under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist (PT).
- Recognize and implement the use of interventions based on outcomes for patients in a variety of settings.
- Demonstrate effective oral, written and non-verbal communications skills with the patient, Physical Therapist, health care personnel and others in a competent manner.
- Successfully integrate concepts from the prerequisite course work, basic sciences and PTA programming into physical therapy practice.
- Demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning, evidence based practice, and ongoing professional growth and quality improvement in physical therapy practice.
The primary mission of the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program at Laramie County Community College (糖心live) is to provide a high-quality education in physical therapy in order to produce certified, professional, ethical, and competent practitioners in the field with a strong potential for advancement and leadership.
The program philosophy is committed to a high standard of educational excellence while promoting learner responsibility, effective communication, critical thinking and collaboration. The program strives to educate entry level PTA practitioner generalists that adhere to professional, ethical and legal guidelines of the profession to serve the communities. The program also strives for excellence in all aspects of student education. Student education will be focused on the theory, knowledge and clinical skills essential to the entry level PTA. The curriculum is designed for the optimal use of technical innovation, hands on learning and thorough practical clinical education. This structure drives the program's emphasis on technology and communication to facilitate learning in the classroom and the clinic. Graduates will meet the diverse needs of employers and the community while providing high quality patient care under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist.
Cost of Attendance
Students can view the Physical Therapist Assistant Costs page to learn about additional program costs associated with this program.