Concurrent Enrollment

Students can earn 糖心live college credit in classes that are offered at their own high school! By taking an approved Concurrent course in the high school, the grade for the course will be recorded on both a high school transcript and the student's 糖心live college transcript.

In order to register for a concurrent class, the class must be approved by the high school and 糖心live. Your high school teacher will inform you if you can take the class for Concurrent Enrollment credit. You will have to complete an application for concurrent/dual enrollment at 糖心live. Once you have completed the application, complete the Concurrent Registration sheet in your high school class and include student, guardian, and high school signatures.


If you are taking a class that has prerequisites, you must meet the prerequisite, which could be your GPA from the previous semester, ACT scores, or high school or other 糖心live courses completed (must have a grade of C or higher). Your high school teacher also has discretion to override the prerequisite in certain circumstances. Details for each course are listed below. Students wishing to enroll in a concurrent class must place at the college level via GPA or ACT in order to meet the prerequisites as indicated here. Developmental-level 糖心live courses (which may be listed as prerequisites in the college Catalog) are not eligible for concurrent or dual enrollment. 

Concurrent Offerings at Your School (2024-2025)

The course offerings and details on this webpage are in accordance with information available at time of publication. Partner school districts are encouraged to reference the current Memorandum of Understanding for questions regarding agreed-upon concurrent enrollment opportunities.

High School Course   糖心live Course Prerequisite   

Computer Information Systems

CMAP 1200 - Computer Information Systems (3 credits)


Principles of Information Technology

CMAP 1250 - Principles of Information Technology (3 credits)


Principles of Networking and Information Security CMAP 1275 - Principles of Networking and Information Security (3 credits)



COMM 2010 - Public Speaking (3 credits)

Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010

Welding III

WELD 1860 - Welding Fabrication (3 credits)


High School Course  糖心live Course Prerequisite
Ag Management Tech A & B ANSC 1210 - Livestock Judging (2 credits) None
Entrepreneurship BADM 1000 - Introduction to Business (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP Biology BIOL 1003 - Current Issues in Biology (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+
English 1010 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
English 2205 ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Money 101 FIN 1001, 1002, & 1003 - Personal Financial Planning; Risk and Credit Management; Investment and Retirement Planning (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP History HIST 1211 - U.S. to 1865 (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP History HIST 1221 - U.S. from 1865 (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Emergency Medical Services HLED 1221 - Standard First Aid and CPR (2 credits) None
Health Science I HLTK 1200 - Medical Terminology (2 credits) None
Body Systems HLTK 1210 - Human Body Systems (3 credits) None
Mathematical Decision Making MATH 1000 - Problem Solving (3 credits)

GPA of 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra

Honors Pre-Calculus B or College Algebra & Trigonometry A MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
College Algebra & Trigonometry B or Honors Trigonometry & Differential Calculus MATH 1405 - Trigonometry (3 credits) ACT Math 24+ OR Completion of MATH 1400 OR 1 semester of College Algebra & Trigonometry (CAT) OR 2nd semester Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
AP Calculus AB A & B or AP Calculus BC - A Only MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4 credits) ACT Math 26+ OR Completion of MATH 1405 OR 2nd semester of CAT OR 1st semester Honors Trigonometry and Diff Calculus 
AP Calculus BC - B MATH 2205 - Calculus II (4 credits) Completion of MATH 2200 OR C or better in both semesters of AP Calculus AB.
Business Marketing I MKT 1000 - Sales (3 credits) None
AP Government POLS 1000 - American and Wyoming Government (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Spanish 3 SPAN 1010 - First Year Spanish I (4 credits) None
Spanish 4 SPAN 1020 - First Year Spanish II (4 credits) Completion of SPAN 1010
AP Statistics STAT 2050 - Fundamentals of Statistics (4 credits)

GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+

Welding III WELD 1860 - Welding Fabrication (3 credits) None
High School Course Name   糖心live Course Prerequisite
Agriculture Management Technology ANSC 1210 - Livestock Judging (2 credits) None
AP Biology or IB Biology 2 BIOL 1003 - Current Issues in Biology (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+
IB Chemistry I or Intro to College Chemistry CHEM 1000 - Intro to Chemistry (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+ and ACT Reading 18+
AP Chemistry A or IB Chemistry 2 (HL) CHEM 1020 - General Chemistry I (4 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1400 OR GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+
AP Chemistry B or IB Chemistry HL-B CHEM 1030 - General Chemistry II (4 credits) Completion of CHEM 1020
English 1010 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
ENGL 2205 ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Money 101 FIN 1001, 1002, & 1003 - Personal Financial Planning; Risk and Credit Management; Investment and Retirement Planning (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Emergency Medical Services HLED 1221 - Standard First Aid and CPR (2 credits) None

Medical Terminology (Health Science I)

HLTK 1200 - Medical Terminology (2 credits) None
Body Systems HLTK 1210 - Human Body Systems (3 credits) None
Mathematical Decision Making MATH 1000 - Problem Solving (3 credits) GPA of 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
College Algebra & Trigonometry (1st Semester) or Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra A OR IB Math 3 (2nd Semester) MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
College Algebra & Trigonometry (2nd Semester) OR Honors Differential Calculus & Trig (1st Semester) OR IB Math 3 MATH 1405 - Trigonometry (3 credits) ACT Math 24+ OR Completion of MATH 1400 OR 1 semester of College Algebra & Trigonometry (CAT) OR 2nd semester Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra OR IB Math 3 2nd semester
 AP Calculus BC A or IB Math A&A HL2 B MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4 credits) ACT Math 26+ OR Completion of MATH 1405 OR 2nd semester of CAT OR 1st semester Honors Trigonometry and Diff Calculus OR 1st semester IB Math SL or HL 1
AP Calculus BC B or IB Math A&A HL2 B MATH 2205 - Calculus II (4 credits) Completion of MATH 2200 OR both semesters of AP Calculus AB
Certified Nursing Assistant (Health Science II & III) NRST 1510 - Nurse Assistant (3 credits) None
AP Physics I PHYS 1110 - General Physics I (4 credits) Completion of MATH 1405 OR ACT Math 26+
AP Physics II PHYS 1120 - General Physics II (4 credits) Completion of PHYS 1110 or instructor consent
AP US Government & Politics POLS 1000 - American and Wyoming Government (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Spanish 3 SPAN 1010 - First Year Spanish I (4 credits) None
Spanish 4 SPAN 1020 - First Year Spanish II (4 credits) Completion of SPAN 1010
Spanish 5 SPAN 2030 - Second Year Spanish I Completion of SPAN 1020
AP Statistics STAT 2050 - Fundamentals of Statistics (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+
Human Anatomy A-H ZOO 2015 - Human Anatomy (4 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 1010 or CHEM 1000 recommended
Human Physiology B-H ZOO 2025 - Human Physiology (4 credits) Completion of ZOO 2015
High School Course Name  糖心live Course Prerequisite
Agriculture Leadership ANSC 1210 - Livestock Judging (2 credits) None
Consumer Auto Technology AUTO 1500 - Basic Auto Mechanics (3 credits) None
AP Biology BIOL 1003 - Current Issues in Biology (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+
ENG 1010 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP English Literature ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Money 101 FIN 1001, 1002, & 1003 - Personal Financial Planning; Risk and Credit Management; Investment and Retirement Planning (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP History HIST 1211 - U.S. to 1865 (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
AP History HIST 1221 - U.S. from 1865 (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Emergency Medical Services HLED 1221 - Standard First Aid and CPR (2 credits) None
MedTerm Health Science I  HLTK 1200 - Medical Terminology (2 credits) None
Mathematical Decision Making MATH 1000 - Problem Solving (3 credits) GPA of 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
College Algebra & Trigonometry A MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II OR 1st semester of Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
Honors Trigonometry & Differential Calculus A  MATH 1405 - Trigonometry (3 credits) ACT Math 24+ OR Completion of MATH 1400 OR 1 semester of College Algebra & Trigonometry (CAT) OR 2nd semester Honors Pre-Calculus Algebra
AP Calculus AB OR AP Calculus BC A  MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4 credits) ACT Math 26+ OR Completion of MATH 1405 OR 2nd semester of CAT OR 1st semester Honors Trigonometry and Diff Calculus
Certified Nursing Assistant (Health Science II & III) NRST 1510 - Nurse Assistant (3 credits) None
AP Government & Politics POLS 1000 - American and Wyoming Government (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Welding II WELD 1655 - Allied Cutting Processes (1 credit) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in IST 1520
Welding III WELD 1860 - Welding Fabrication (3 credits) None
High School Course  糖心live Course Prerequisite
Money 101 FIN 1001, 1002, & 1003 - Personal Financial Planning; Risk and Credit Management; Investment and Retirement Planning (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Business Marketing I MKT 1000 - Sales (3 credits) None

High School Course   糖心live Course Prerequisite   
Auto Engine System Fundamentals AUTO 1510 - Engine System Fundamentals (4 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUTO 1520
Foundational Skills in Automotive AUTO 1520 - Foundational Skills in Automotive (4 credits) None
Engine Management Systems AUTO 1620 - Engine Management Systems (4 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUTO 1765
Automotive Electrical AUTO 1765 - Automotive Electrical Systems (4 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUTO 1520 or instructor consent
AP Biology BIOL 1003 - Current Issues in Biology (4 credits) GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+
Culinary I: Basic Culinary Skills CULA 1515 - Basic Culinary Skills (3 credits) Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in HRM 1505
Culinary II: Garde Manager CULA 1600 - Garde Manager (3 credits) Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in HRM 1505
Culinary II: Baking CULA 2700 - Baking (4 credits) Completion of HRM 1505
Culinary III CULA 2800 - Meat Prep and Cook (4 credits) Completion of HRM 1505, CULA 1515, CULA 1600 & CULA 2700
Culinary VI CULA 2900 - Fish & Shellfish Prep and Cooking (4 credits) Completion of HRM 1505, CULA 1515, CULA 1600 & CULA 2700
Culinary VI CULA 2970 - Internship (1 credit) Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in HRM 1515, CULA 2800, & CULA 2900
English 1010 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
English 2205 ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Culinary I: Sanitation HRM 1505 - Sanitation (3 credits) Instructor consent
Culinary III: Restaurant Management HRM 1515 - Planning & Control for Food and Beverage Operations (3 credits) Completion of HRM 1505, CULA 1515, CULA 1600, & CULA 2700
 College Algebra MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II
College Algebra & Trig B MATH 1405 - Trigonometry (3 credits) ACT Math 24+ OR Completion of MATH 1400 OR 1 semester of College Algebra
AP Calculus AB MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4 credits) ACT MATH 26+ OR Completion of MATH 1405
AP Calculus BC MATH 2205 - Calculus II (4 credits) Completion of MATH 2200 
High School Course Name  糖心live Course Prerequisite
Livestock Evaluation ANSC 1210- Livestock Judging (2 credits) None
High School Course Name  糖心live Course Prerequisite
Livestock Evaluation ANSC 1210- Livestock Judging (2 credits) None
High School Course   糖心live Course Prerequisite   

English Composition I

ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits)

GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+

ENG 1010

ENGL 1020 - English Composition II (3 credits)

Completion of ENGL 1010

Creative Writing

ENGL 1040 - Intro to Creative Writing (3 credits)


English 2205

ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits)

Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010

AP History

HIST 1211 - U.S. to 1865 (3 credits)

GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+

AP History

HIST 1221 - U.S. from 1865 (3 credits)

GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+

AP College Algebra

MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits)

GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II

College Algebra & Trig

MATH 1405 - Pre-Calculus Trigonometry (3 credits)

ACT Math 24+ OR Completion of MATH 1400

AP Calculus

MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4 credits)

ACT Math 26+ OR Completion of MATH 1400

AP Calculus

MATH 2205 - Calculus II (4 credits)

Completion of MATH 2200

AP Government

POLS 1000 - American & Wyoming Government (3 credits)

GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+

High School Course   糖心live Course Prerequisite   
Biology BIOL 1003 - Current Issues in Biology (4 credits)

GPA 2.5+ OR ACT Math 17+

Advanced English ENGL 1010 - English Composition I (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Advanced English ENGL 2205 - Intro to Literature (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Personal Finance FIN 1001, 1002, & 1003 - Personal Financial Planning; Risk and Credit Management; Investment and Retirement Planning (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Reading 18+
Advanced Math MATH 1400 - College Algebra (3 credits) GPA 3.0+ OR ACT Math 22+ OR 2 semesters of HS Algebra II
General Psychology PSYC 1000 - General Psychology (3 credits) Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1010
Theatre Production THEA 2000 - Theatre Production (3 credits) None



Questions? Reach out to your Student Success Coach.

Concurrent/Dual Agreement of Parties