Placement at ÌÇÐÄlive

In order to register for most classes, ÌÇÐÄlive needs to first assess students' skill levels in key areas â€“ English and math**. 

Admission to ÌÇÐÄlive is not based on placement. This information is used to ensure students are taking the classes that will help them be most successful.

There are various ways that ÌÇÐÄlive can assess students' skill levels in these areas for placement. Typically, placement can be determined by high school GPA, and/or ACT Scores. Therefore, it is important that students send ÌÇÐÄlive their high school/high school equivalency transcript and college transcripts (if applicable) as early in the admissions process as possible, so that ÌÇÐÄlive can evaluate transcripts for placement.

Students who are on active duty in the U.S. Military can be placed directly into college-level English and math** courses. Documentation is required for this, and military students should inquire at the Student Hub for details.

Students should always discuss placement with their Student Success Coach to ensure registration in the proper courses. Placement information must be received and entered in the student file prior to course registration.

Placement Levels and Courses

ÌÇÐÄlive uses corequisite ("coreq") courses to help students achieve their college-level math and English courses within their first or second semester. These are indicated below as "Literary Enhancement" or "Skills Development" courses. If you place into one of these courses, you will take the indicated college-level course, as well as a supplemental course taught by the same instructor. This supplemental course will provide extra help and resources to support your work in the college-level course.

English placement can be determined by high school GPA, HiSET scores, or ACT scores, as indicated in the table below. If you have previously successfully completed a college-level English course, that may transfer in as placement as well.



ACT Reading Score


HiSET Combined Reading & Writing

ÌÇÐÄlive Course

Course Name

2.49 and below 14 and below 24 ENGL 0810 Fundamentals of Reading and Writing
2.5-2.99 15-17 25-29 ENGL 0910 w/ ENGL 1010 Literacy Enhancement for Composition I w/ English I: Composition
3.0 and above 18 and above 30 and above ENGL 1010 English I: Composition


Math placement can be determined by high school GPA or ACT scores, as indicated in the table below. If you have previously successfully completed a college-level math course, that may transfer in as placement as well.

There are multiple course options for many placement levels. The math course(s) a student should take varies based on their intended program of study. 



ACT Math Score

ÌÇÐÄlive Course

Course Name

2.49 and below 16 and below MATH 0900 Pre-Algebra
2.5-2.99 17-21 MATH 0975 w/ MATH 1400 Skills Development for College Algebra w/ College Algebra
2.5 or above 17 or above MATH 1000 Problem Solving
2.5 or above 17 or above STAT 2050 Fundamentals of Statistics
2.5 or above 17 or above MATH 1100 Numbers and Operations for Elementary School Teachers
3.0 or above 22 or above MATH 1400 College Algebra
-- 24 or above MATH 1405 Trigonometry
-- 26 or above MATH 2200 Calculus I
-- 26 or above MATH 2350 Business Calculus I
-- 26 or above MATH 2355 Mathematical Applications for Business

**There may be multiple course options for each math placement level. The math course(s) a student should take vary based on their intended program of study. Students will discuss this in further detail with their Student Success Coach.

View a PDF showing placement and course levels.

ÌÇÐÄlive students who have been placed into ENGL 0810: Fundamentals of Reading and Writing or MATH 0900: Pre-Algebra may be eligible for free Summer Bridge Classes to move up one level in English and/or Math prior to fall classes.