Enrollment & Outcomes
Annual Enrollment Trend Report
During the 2023-2024 academic year, Laramie County Community College awarded 844 degrees and certificates to 718 individual students. These awards included 24 bachelor of applied science degrees, 82 associate of arts degrees, 149 associate of science degrees, 70 associate degrees in nursing, 140 associate of applied science degrees, 84 certificates of completion, and 295 credit diplomas.
View the public dashboard.
The following information is provided in compliance with federal regulations as found in Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR 668.45, 668.48).
During the 2020 fall semester, 433 first-time, full-time, degree- or certificate-seeking students enrolled at Laramie County Community College (ÌÇÐÄlive). Of this group, referred to as the fall 2020 graduation rate cohort, 150 students (34.64%) had graduated from ÌÇÐÄlive and 85 students (19.63%) had transferred to another college or university by August 31, 2023.
The fall 2020 graduation rate cohort included 37 students who received student aid related to an athletics program. Of this group, 22 students (59.46%) had graduated from ÌÇÐÄlive and 7 students (18.92%) had transferred to another college or university by August 31, 2023.
Graduation and transfer rates for the overall cohort and the cohort of students who received athletics-related aid are provided. Information is presented by gender, race/ethnicity and type of federal aid received.
Graduates of Programs Designed for Transfer to a Four-Year Institution (Transfer Programs)
The table below provides rates of ÌÇÐÄlive graduates from transfer programs who continued on to graduate from four-year institutions. There are two types of rates: ÌÇÐÄlive alumni who graduated from a four-year institution up to two years after they graduated from ÌÇÐÄlive, and those who graduated up to three years after they graduated from ÌÇÐÄlive.
ÌÇÐÄlive Spring Graduate Cohort |
Two-Year Rate |
Three-Year Rate |
2015 Spring |
23% |
37% |
2016 Spring |
26% |
44% |
2017 Spring |
35% |
50% |
2018 Spring |
36% |
64% |
2019 Spring |
40% |
69% |
The table below provides detailed graduation rates for pathways that offer transfer degrees for the 2019 Spring graduation cohort displayed above.
2019 Spring ÌÇÐÄlive Graduate Pathways3 |
Two-Year Rate |
Three-Year Rate |
Agriculture and Equine Studies |
22% |
33% |
Business and Accounting |
36% |
64% |
Communication and Creative Arts |
15% |
40% |
Human and Public Service |
23% |
44% |
Health Science and Wellness |
27% |
36% |
42% |
67% |
Overall 2019 Spring Cohort |
25% |
45% |
3Information Technology pathway and Trades and Technical Studies pathway only offer programs designed for direct entry into the workforce (CTE programs).
Data Sources: ÌÇÐÄlive Student Information System, National Student Clearinghouse
The following information is provided in compliance with federal regulations as found in Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR 668.41(d)(4)).
During the fall 2022 semester, 499 first-time, full-time, degree- or certificate-seeking students enrolled at Laramie County Community College (ÌÇÐÄlive). Of this group, 307 students (61.52%) were still enrolled at ÌÇÐÄlive or had graduated as of October 2023.
The table below shows the percent of degree- or certificate-seeking students who started at ÌÇÐÄlive in the fall term and continued to the spring term. Students who graduated at the end of the fall term are counted as continuing ("persisting") even if they did not enroll in the spring term, since they successfully persisted to complete their credential.
Pathway |
2018 Fall to 2019 Spring |
2019 Fall to 2020 Spring |
2020 Fall to 2021 Spring |
2021 Fall to 2022 Spring |
2022 Fall to 2023 Spring |
Agriculture & Equine |
82% |
93% |
83% |
95% |
80% |
Business & Accounting |
78% |
79% |
72% |
74% |
80% |
Communication & Creative Arts |
71% |
68% |
69% |
95% |
77% |
Human & Public Services |
76% |
79% |
74% |
83% |
89% |
Health Sciences & Wellness |
81% |
79% |
73% |
83% |
85% |
Information Technology |
79% |
72% |
60% |
71% |
77% |
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics |
85% |
73% |
73% |
65% |
74% |
Trades & Technical Studies |
79% |
87% |
87% |
92% |
81% |
Unduplicated Degree Seeking Total |
78% |
79% |
74% |
82% |
83% |
Data Source: ÌÇÐÄlive Student Information System
ÌÇÐÄlive provides the following information in compliance with HLC accreditation reporting.
The table below shows the number and percent of students by pathway who attended ÌÇÐÄlive in the given fall term and continued to the spring term. Students who graduated at the end of the fall term are considered part of the cohort but are only counted as retained if they enroll in the spring term.
Fall 2022 Cohorts | Pathway Cohort | Pathway Retained to Spring | Pathway % Retained | FTIC Cohort | FTIC Retained to Spring | FTIC % Retained |
Agriculture & Equine | 108 | 78 | 72% | 44 | 36 | 82% |
Business & Accounting | 320 | 236 | 74% | 81 | 51 | 63% |
Communication & Creative Arts |
136 | 95 | 70% | 54 | 41 | 76% |
Human & Public Services |
432 | 310 | 72% | 115 | 90 | 78% |
Health Sciences & Wellness |
923 | 690 | 75% | 176 | 136 | 77% |
Information Technology | 98 | 58 | 59% | 20 | 14 | 70% |
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics |
235 | 179 | 76% | 68 | 60 | 88% |
Trades & Technical Studies |
142 | 109 | 77% | 86 | 71 | 83% |
Non-Degree Seeking Students |
428 | 117 | 27% | 59 | 13 | 22% |
Unduplicated Degree Seeking Total | 2,394 | 1,755 | 73% | 644 | 499 | 77% |
Unduplicated Cohort Total | 2,822 | 1,872 | 66% | 703 | 512 | 73% |
Pathway Cohort - The main pathway cohort consists of all students who have a single
program under the purview of the listed pathway ÌÇÐÄlive in the given fall semester (2022).
FTIC Cohort (first-time in college cohort) - The FTIC cohort consists of all students who are entering college for the first time as college freshmen in the given fall semester.
ÌÇÐÄlive runs three alumni surveys each year to learn more about the workforce and transfer outcomes of its graduates. Below are some basic outcomes from this survey. Please note that the response rate for 2022 Spring - 2023 Spring graduates is only 10.4% and varies by pathway, so some data are not reported due to small counts.
Graduates of Programs Designed for Direct Entry into the Workforce (CTE Programs)
Programs that are designed for direct entry into the workforce are commonly referred to as career and technical education, or CTE, programs. At ÌÇÐÄlive, all programs, excluding associate or arts (AA) and associate of science (AS) degrees, are considered CTE programs. The median salary outcomes displayed below reflect the responses of 2022 Spring - 2023 Spring CTE alumni who were employed full-time in a job "somewhat" or "directly" related to their program of study six months after graduation.
Pathway1 |
Median Annual Salary2 |
Agriculture and Equine Studies |
NA |
Business and Accounting |
$60,000 - 69,999 |
Human and Public Service |
NA |
Health Science and Wellness |
$50,000 – 59,999 |
Information Technology |
$50,000 – 59,999 |
Trades and Technical Studies |
$45,000 - 54,999 |
All CTE Alumni |
$50,000 - 59,999 |
The results below reflect the responses of 2022 Spring - 2023 Spring CTE alumni who were employed either full-time or part-time in a job "somewhat" or "directly" related to their program of study within six months after graduation from ÌÇÐÄlive.
Alumni were asked if they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with the following statement: "My experience at ÌÇÐÄlive prepared me well for work in my current position."
Pathway1 |
Agree/Strongly Agree2 |
Disagree/Strongly Disagree2 |
Agriculture and Equine Studies |
NA |
NA |
Business and Accounting |
80% |
20% |
Human and Public Service |
NA |
NA |
Health Science and Wellness |
95% |
5% |
Information Technology |
NA |
NA |
Trades and Technical Studies |
100% |
0% |
All CTE Program Alumni |
95% |
5% |
Graduates of Programs Designed for Transfer to a Four-Year Institution (Transfer Programs)
Transfer programs are designed to allow graduates to complete their first two years of a bachelor's degree before transferring to a four-year university or institution. At ÌÇÐÄlive, associate of arts (AA) and associate of science (AS) degrees are considered transfer programs. The results below reflect the responses of 2022 Spring - 2023 Spring transfer program alumni who transferred after graduation into a "somewhat" or "directly" related field of study within six months after graduation from ÌÇÐÄlive.
Alumni were asked if they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with the following statement: "My experience at ÌÇÐÄlive prepared me well for study at my current college."
Pathway3 |
Agree/Strongly Agree2 |
Disagree/Strongly Disagree2 |
Agriculture and Equine Studies |
100% |
0% |
Business and Accounting |
100% |
0% |
Communication and Creative Arts |
100% |
0% |
Human and Public Service |
100% |
0% |
Health Science and Wellness |
100% |
0% |
100% |
0% |
All Transfer Program Alumni |
100% |
0% |
1Communication and Creative Arts pathway and STEM pathway only offer programs designed for transfer to a four-year institution.
2NA = data not available due to small counts
3Information Technology pathway and Trades and Technical Studies pathway only offer programs designed for direct entry into the workforce (CTE programs).
Data Sources: ÌÇÐÄlive Student Information System, ÌÇÐÄlive Alumni Survey
Certification Pass Rates
The table below provides first-attempt certification pass rates for the listed exams for ÌÇÐÄlive program graduates during the 2022-2023 academic year.
ÌÇÐÄlive Program of Study |
Certification Exam |
First-Attempt Pass Rate |
Dental Hygiene |
Dental Hygiene Clinical Exam |
 100% |
Dental Hygiene |
National Board Dental Hygiene Examination |
 82% |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Abdominal/Small Parts |
 88% |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Obstetrical and Gynecology |
 100% |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Sonography Principals and Instrumentation |
 100% |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Vascular Technology |
 73% |
Emergency Medical Services |
National Registry of EMT-Paramedic |
 67% |
Emergency Medical Services |
National Registry of EMT-Paramedic |
 83% |
Health Information & Technology |
Commission for Informatics & Information Management |
89% |
Nursing |
 100% |
Nursing |
 98% |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
Federation on State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) |
 71% |
Radiography |
American Registry of Radiologic Technology |
 100% |
Surgical Technology |
National Board for Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting |
 100% |
Overall First-Attempt Pass Rate |
91% |